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Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945, German dictator ("Führer") 1933-1945

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Source page of speeches and writings by Hitler on anti-Semitism and World War II. From the Encyclopedia of Jewish History and Culture.
A biography, with footnotes and external links.
A complete history 24 chapters covering the rise of Adolf Hitler from unknown to dictator of Germany. Includes photos.
Notes on how Adolf Hitler was able to take power.
Translation of Adolf Hitler's book.
Hitler's Mein Kampf in 9,000 words
Essay refuting the assertion that Hitler or the Nazi regime were socialist in character.
Adolf Hitler tells you who he is through his own words: a focus on just who Hitler was. Also his youthful experiences that shaped his perceptions.
A collection of quotations by Adolf Hitler
Archive featuring audio files, images, and video of Adolf Hitler.
Source page of speeches and writings by Hitler on anti-Semitism and World War II. From the Encyclopedia of Jewish History and Culture.
A biography, with footnotes and external links.
Hitler's Mein Kampf in 9,000 words
Adolf Hitler tells you who he is through his own words: a focus on just who Hitler was. Also his youthful experiences that shaped his perceptions.
A collection of quotations by Adolf Hitler
A complete history 24 chapters covering the rise of Adolf Hitler from unknown to dictator of Germany. Includes photos.
Archive featuring audio files, images, and video of Adolf Hitler.
Notes on how Adolf Hitler was able to take power.
Essay refuting the assertion that Hitler or the Nazi regime were socialist in character.
Translation of Adolf Hitler's book.

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