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Arts Movies Titles D Da Vinci Code, The
A murder in the Louvre and clues in Da Vinci paintings lead to the discovery of a religious mystery protected by a secret society for two thousand years. A mystery which could shake the foundations of Christianity. The 2006 film, directed by Ron Howard, stars Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon.
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Features cast list and film synopsis.
Provides box office information, articles, news and analysis.
Features full cast and crew, external reviews, trivia, merchandising links, filming locations, photo gallery and discussion board.
Provides plot synopsis, cast and crew details, movie stills, related news articles and viewer popcorn meter rating system.
Film censors said the musical score was too "tense" for young children and "bone-crunching" sound effects accentuated the onscreen violence to an unacceptable level. (May 07, 2006)
Roman Catholic group Opus Dei has asked for a disclaimer to be placed on the film of The Da Vinci Code. (April 16, 2006)
A Roman Catholic nun kneels in prayer for 12 hours to protest at filming in Lincoln Cathedral. (August 16, 2005)
Provides plot synopsis, cast and crew details, movie stills, related news articles and viewer popcorn meter rating system.
Features cast list and film synopsis.
Provides box office information, articles, news and analysis.
Features full cast and crew, external reviews, trivia, merchandising links, filming locations, photo gallery and discussion board.
Film censors said the musical score was too "tense" for young children and "bone-crunching" sound effects accentuated the onscreen violence to an unacceptable level. (May 07, 2006)
Roman Catholic group Opus Dei has asked for a disclaimer to be placed on the film of The Da Vinci Code. (April 16, 2006)
A Roman Catholic nun kneels in prayer for 12 hours to protest at filming in Lincoln Cathedral. (August 16, 2005)

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