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This category is for sites on universities and colleges (i.e. post-secondary educational institutions awarding Associate, Bachelor's, Masters, and Doctorate degrees) in Hong Kong.

Schools for children and teenagers are under Regional/Education.
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Information on faculties, administration and research; information for students and downloads. Information on libraries and museums.
Formerly the City Polytechnic of Hong Kong. Includes information on university, links to learning resources, research and departmental information and student information.
Includes information on the academy's schools, courses and performances.
The former Hong Kong Baptist College. Includes information on the administration, academic departments, research, facilities and student information.
Includes information on facilities, governance, admissions and departments.
Information on departments, research, admissions and press information.
A private university in Hong Kong. Includes announcement of events, information on academic activities and programs, library and student activities.
Includes information on research, admissions, continuing education, student information and university news.
Gives overview, departments, research, programs, plus student and alumni information pages.
Gives overview, programmes and courses, international exchanges, academics, administration, alumni page, and employment opportunities.
Includes information on the university and links to departmental websites, employment information, prospectus and information on student activities, research.
Offering guide to courses, admissions, academic calendar, prospectus, and campus map.
Includes information on research, admissions, continuing education, student information and university news.
Includes information on facilities, governance, admissions and departments.
A private university in Hong Kong. Includes announcement of events, information on academic activities and programs, library and student activities.
Information on departments, research, admissions and press information.
The former Hong Kong Baptist College. Includes information on the administration, academic departments, research, facilities and student information.
Formerly the City Polytechnic of Hong Kong. Includes information on university, links to learning resources, research and departmental information and student information.
Includes information on the academy's schools, courses and performances.
Offering guide to courses, admissions, academic calendar, prospectus, and campus map.
Includes information on the university and links to departmental websites, employment information, prospectus and information on student activities, research.
Gives overview, departments, research, programs, plus student and alumni information pages.
Gives overview, programmes and courses, international exchanges, academics, administration, alumni page, and employment opportunities.
Information on faculties, administration and research; information for students and downloads. Information on libraries and museums.

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Last update:
August 4, 2024 at 17:55:33 UTC
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