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Presents beliefs, committees and groups, news and events, history of the church, service times, ministries, and photo gallery.
Anabaptist congregation. Find worship times, ministries, special events, Bible reading plan, giving and sermons.
Presents statement of faith, worship times, ministries, events, leadership, office hours and location map.
Features services, catalog search, resources, staff, monthly calendar, and hours.
Member of ELCA. Find worship times, information for visitors, ministries, history of the church and staff. Includes photos and sermons.
Offers racing and cruising activities. Includes membership, calendar, FAQs, photos, and videos.
Gospel-centered Anabaptist fellowship. Features beliefs, leadership, worship times, ministries, resources, map and directions.
Find a note from the pastor, upcoming events, visitor information, ministries, calendars, resources and directions.
Small, independent, family-oriented congregation. Includes service times, ministries, events, sermons and directions.
Presents beliefs, committees and groups, news and events, history of the church, service times, ministries, and photo gallery.
Presents statement of faith, worship times, ministries, events, leadership, office hours and location map.
Gospel-centered Anabaptist fellowship. Features beliefs, leadership, worship times, ministries, resources, map and directions.
Features services, catalog search, resources, staff, monthly calendar, and hours.
Offers racing and cruising activities. Includes membership, calendar, FAQs, photos, and videos.
Anabaptist congregation. Find worship times, ministries, special events, Bible reading plan, giving and sermons.
Member of ELCA. Find worship times, information for visitors, ministries, history of the church and staff. Includes photos and sermons.
Small, independent, family-oriented congregation. Includes service times, ministries, events, sermons and directions.
Find a note from the pastor, upcoming events, visitor information, ministries, calendars, resources and directions.

Last update:
September 4, 2021 at 15:30:57 UTC

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