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Biological control is the use of natural predators to control problem organisms. Includes websites that describe biological control methods, techniques, and the science and research behind them. Also websites advocating other non-chemical means of controlling pests and diseases.
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A professional association representing the biological pest control industry.
Information from the Aroian lab at UCSD on the benefits and risks associated with using Bacillus thuringiensis proteins in farming and using its genes in GMO crops to manufacture the natural insecticide.
Describes a biological control project being piloted in Fiji and Papua New Guinea, using caterpillars and a rust fungus to control mile-a-minute weed, Mikania micrantha.
Advice for the potential user of natural enemies who must be aware of the legal and biological limitations of these biological control methods.
Including specifics on the biological control of pests of medical and veterinary importance. The site is maintained by Dr. E. F. Legner.
Article discussing beneficial insects and their use in the biological control of pests as a part of an integrated pest management program, with details and photographs of those commonly found in Florida.
Outlines the general traits required of botanicals and other natural products used in pest control and discusses several possible sources.
Information on how entomopathogenic nematodes can be used to control insect pests, and the taxonomy and systematics of these nematodes.
Dedicated to development of non-toxic methods of pest control like beneficial nematodes
Dedicated to development of non-toxic methods of pest control like beneficial nematodes
Describes a biological control project being piloted in Fiji and Papua New Guinea, using caterpillars and a rust fungus to control mile-a-minute weed, Mikania micrantha.
Information from the Aroian lab at UCSD on the benefits and risks associated with using Bacillus thuringiensis proteins in farming and using its genes in GMO crops to manufacture the natural insecticide.
Information on how entomopathogenic nematodes can be used to control insect pests, and the taxonomy and systematics of these nematodes.
Outlines the general traits required of botanicals and other natural products used in pest control and discusses several possible sources.
Article discussing beneficial insects and their use in the biological control of pests as a part of an integrated pest management program, with details and photographs of those commonly found in Florida.
Advice for the potential user of natural enemies who must be aware of the legal and biological limitations of these biological control methods.
A professional association representing the biological pest control industry.
Including specifics on the biological control of pests of medical and veterinary importance. The site is maintained by Dr. E. F. Legner.
Last update:
May 27, 2023 at 6:45:11 UTC
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