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Aurelius Augustinus, Bishop of Hippo (354-430), was a Doctor of the Church and the father of much of modern Christian theology. He is noted for his defense of Christianity against paganism, entitled City of God, and for introducing therein Christian history. He is the author of numerous other classical philosophical and theological works which were influential in the development of medieval Christianity and the Neo-Platonist movement.
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Biographical article from the Encyclopædia Britannica, 9th ed., 1878.
Essay on Augustine's theory about the fall of Rome and original sin, and Augustine against the pantheists, the Pelagians and Donatists.
From James Kiefer's Christian Biographies. Includes prayer in traditional and contemporary language.
Lengthy article on Augustine's life, writings, and teachings. By F. Loofs, in the New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge.
Apostolic Letter of Pope John Paul II on St. Augustine, issued in 1986 on the sixteenth centenary of Augustine's conversion.
Biographical article, with extensive hyperlinks to related articles.
Names the five documents sometimes identified as the Rule of Augustine, quickly narrows the field to two contenders, settles on Letter 211. Also deals with Augustine's relation to monasticism.
Article on Augustine as a Doctor of the Church, and his influence in the history of philosophy and theology. Particular interest in his teaching on grace.
Annotated bibliography of Augustine's principal writings.
Short biography of Augustine, and why he is the patron saint of brewers.
Illustrated profile, with links, and excerpts from the saint's writings.
Coptic Synexarion profile of St. Augustine, bishop of Hippo, Doctor of the Church.
Lengthy article on Aurelius Augustinus by Michael Mendelson.
Coptic Synexarion profile of St. Augustine, bishop of Hippo, Doctor of the Church.
Illustrated profile, with links, and excerpts from the saint's writings.
Biographical article from the Encyclopædia Britannica, 9th ed., 1878.
Essay on Augustine's theory about the fall of Rome and original sin, and Augustine against the pantheists, the Pelagians and Donatists.
Biographical article, with extensive hyperlinks to related articles.
Names the five documents sometimes identified as the Rule of Augustine, quickly narrows the field to two contenders, settles on Letter 211. Also deals with Augustine's relation to monasticism.
Lengthy article on Augustine's life, writings, and teachings. By F. Loofs, in the New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge.
Apostolic Letter of Pope John Paul II on St. Augustine, issued in 1986 on the sixteenth centenary of Augustine's conversion.
Article on Augustine as a Doctor of the Church, and his influence in the history of philosophy and theology. Particular interest in his teaching on grace.
Short biography of Augustine, and why he is the patron saint of brewers.
Annotated bibliography of Augustine's principal writings.
From James Kiefer's Christian Biographies. Includes prayer in traditional and contemporary language.
Lengthy article on Aurelius Augustinus by Michael Mendelson.

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