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Please submit only academic and professional publications on psycholinguistics in this category. Submit sites containing individual or collections of articles, abstracts, and research findings one category back to the Psycholinguistics section.
Academic and professional journals on the subject of psycholinguistics or with psycholinguistical research as one of their main focuses. Psycholinguistics is a scientific discipline that deals with the actions and mental processes of people in their use language.
Please submit only academic and professional publications on psycholinguistics in this category. Submit sites containing individual or collections of articles, abstracts, and research findings one category back to the Psycholinguistics section.
This category groups online publications in the field of Psycholinguistics. Refer to the Psycholinguistics category for details on the field.
Submit online publications in the area of Psycholinguistics here. Refer to the Psycholinguistics category for details on what we consider Psycholinguistics.
Personal websites of top psycholinguistic researchers.