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Virtual collections, images of Scouting badges/patches.
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BSA Council Shoulder Patches and Jamboree Shoulder Patches from the Blue Ridge Mountains Council, Virginia.
Large collection of Scouting badges arranged in an on-line museum.
Early badges of the Boy Scouts of America and some of their history.
Downloadable guide with color pictures of current council shoulder patches (CSPs), descriptions of the pictures and symbols on the patch.
Images of the eight types of Eagle Scout Badges of the Boy Scouts of America.
Several groupings of BSA insignia: Council Shoulder Patches (CSP's); patrol medallions; hat patches; hat diamonds.
Virtual collection of OA patch images, containing over 57,000 images from 920 lodges (2023).
Collection of national Scout jamboree patches and memorabilia.
Virtual collection of New Zealand district badges.
Collection of images of BSA patches.
From Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Images of over twenty thousand patches, sorted by keyword, type, issuing council or lodge.
Extensive online collection organized by lodge, section and issue. Addition and management of viewers collections.
The patches cover a period from the 1940s through 1990s at Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico. Over 200 images.
Scouting badge collection and trading information for items from around the world. Venezuela.
A collection of Irish badges.
A collection of scout patches from around the world.
From Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Images of over twenty thousand patches, sorted by keyword, type, issuing council or lodge.
Large collection of Scouting badges arranged in an on-line museum.
Virtual collection of New Zealand district badges.
Collection of images of BSA patches.
Downloadable guide with color pictures of current council shoulder patches (CSPs), descriptions of the pictures and symbols on the patch.
Early badges of the Boy Scouts of America and some of their history.
A collection of Irish badges.
Several groupings of BSA insignia: Council Shoulder Patches (CSP's); patrol medallions; hat patches; hat diamonds.
Images of the eight types of Eagle Scout Badges of the Boy Scouts of America.
Virtual collection of OA patch images, containing over 57,000 images from 920 lodges (2023).
BSA Council Shoulder Patches and Jamboree Shoulder Patches from the Blue Ridge Mountains Council, Virginia.
A collection of scout patches from around the world.
Scouting badge collection and trading information for items from around the world. Venezuela.
The patches cover a period from the 1940s through 1990s at Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico. Over 200 images.
Collection of national Scout jamboree patches and memorabilia.
Extensive online collection organized by lodge, section and issue. Addition and management of viewers collections.
Last update:
August 16, 2023 at 17:21:21 UTC
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