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Science Physics Publications
Includes scientific abstracts, reviews of popular scientific magazines and articles (such as Scientific American, Science, and New Scientist magazines), and links to sites all relating to the field of physics. This is NOT a category for catalogs or books for sale.
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Open e-print archive with over 100,000 articles in physics, 10,000 in mathematics, and 1,000 in computer science. (Formerly called xxx.)
Home of journals and conference proceedings from AIP Publishing and AIP member societies.
A small but steadily growing collection of reviews of physics books.
A web database with more than 80 Elsevier science journals with peer reviewed articles on astronomy and astrophysics, condensed matter, nuclear and high energy physics, nonlinear, statistical and applied physics, optics, radiation, surfaces and interfaces and ultrasonics.
American Institute of Physics publication that summarizes legislation and science policy developments in Washington DC.
Lists of journal publishers in physics.
Institute of Physics Publishing, England.
A large archive with plans to digitize Phys Rev from 1893. (Requires subscription)
Physics news and research papers, a showcase of science articles that Nature is publishing about physics, astrophysics and spectroscopy.
Monthly magazine offers news, features and reviews. Full archives available.
Directory of physics and astronomy publications.
Part of a booklet by V. Alexander Stefan dealing with Einstein's colossal contribution to science. [PDF]
Publishes referred articles on the development and applications of sampling and interpolation theory, wavelets, tomography,the Gibbs phenomenon. Comes out three times a year.
Titles in interdisciplinary physics. Contact information only.
Review of a book by Professor Richard Hammond.
Open e-print archive with over 100,000 articles in physics, 10,000 in mathematics, and 1,000 in computer science. (Formerly called xxx.)
Home of journals and conference proceedings from AIP Publishing and AIP member societies.
Monthly magazine offers news, features and reviews. Full archives available.
Institute of Physics Publishing, England.
A web database with more than 80 Elsevier science journals with peer reviewed articles on astronomy and astrophysics, condensed matter, nuclear and high energy physics, nonlinear, statistical and applied physics, optics, radiation, surfaces and interfaces and ultrasonics.
Review of a book by Professor Richard Hammond.
Part of a booklet by V. Alexander Stefan dealing with Einstein's colossal contribution to science. [PDF]
Publishes referred articles on the development and applications of sampling and interpolation theory, wavelets, tomography,the Gibbs phenomenon. Comes out three times a year.
Physics news and research papers, a showcase of science articles that Nature is publishing about physics, astrophysics and spectroscopy.
Lists of journal publishers in physics.
A small but steadily growing collection of reviews of physics books.
American Institute of Physics publication that summarizes legislation and science policy developments in Washington DC.
A large archive with plans to digitize Phys Rev from 1893. (Requires subscription)
Directory of physics and astronomy publications.
Titles in interdisciplinary physics. Contact information only.
Last update:
October 31, 2023 at 5:35:03 UTC
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