Cowboy Bebop is a Science Ficion anime series created by Sunrise. The story takes place in the year 2071 and involves the lives and loves of four bounty hunters (called "Cowboys" in the slang of the series): Spike Spiegel, Jet Black, Faye Valentine, and Edward Hau Wong Peplu Tivrusky IV. Each character has to deal with his or her past while trying to survive the wasteland of the modern universe; a veritable "wild west" of criminals, bohemians, and lost souls.
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Subcategories 2
Related categories 5
Sites 4
The online encyclopedia article on the show includes a thorough, but concise history of the show and its featured characters. This is a good starting point for newer fans.
Story, characters, episode guide, music listing, merchandise and WinAmp skins.
News, summaries, edits, references, gallery, merchandise, and downloads.
Guns, aircraft, vehicles, and links.
The online encyclopedia article on the show includes a thorough, but concise history of the show and its featured characters. This is a good starting point for newer fans.
Guns, aircraft, vehicles, and links.
News, summaries, edits, references, gallery, merchandise, and downloads.
Story, characters, episode guide, music listing, merchandise and WinAmp skins.
Other languages 4
Last update:
November 24, 2023 at 6:46:01 UTC
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