X-Men: Evolution is an animated series featuring a set of teen X-Men characters based on some of those from the Marvel X-Men comic book series. Many fans engage in role-playing and other games based on these X-Men characters as well as some of their own creation.
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This X-men RPG functions on a message-board base.
Message board based role-playing game centered around the city of Bayville, with Bayville High School, the Brotherhood, and some miscellaneous options included.
Characters of X-Men Evolution cartoon as well as those the players have created themselves are all welcome.
Message board based role-playing game centered around the city of Bayville, with Bayville High School, the Brotherhood, and some miscellaneous options included.
This X-men RPG functions on a message-board base.
Characters of X-Men Evolution cartoon as well as those the players have created themselves are all welcome.
Last update:
December 5, 2012 at 2:39:02 UTC
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