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Arts Architecture Associations American Institute of Architects
Chapters of and sites about the American Institute of Architects (AIA), a professional organization for architects in the United States, with headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Founded in New York City in 1857, the AIA has over 80,000 members organized into 18 regions with 300 state and local chapters. (2008)
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National professional association of architects. Includes career center, book store, continuing education, AIA chapters.
Austin, Texas area chapter of the American Institute of Architects.
Board of directors, newsletter, directory of members and related links.
The Birmingham Chapter of the American Institute of Architects lists its executive committee, council and members.
President's page, chapter business, awards, member firms and continuing education. A part of the Virginia AIA.
Provides information on its aims and activities, directors and members, with related links.
Mission statement, calendar, newsletter, events and information on sponsorship and advertising opportunities.
The Chicago Chapter of the American Institute of Architects introduces its location, staff and activities and lists events. Also gives information on selecting an architect.
OnLine contract documents, information about architecture and information about the Columbus Chapter itself.
State chapter of the American Institute of Architects provides calendar plus information on events and membership.
Includes calendar, documents, classifieds, awards, young architects, links, sponsors and architrave newsletter that pertain to the Miami Valley.
Announcements, newsletter, chapter profile, events, awards, programs and information on the Delaware Architecture Foundation.
Serves architects and the public in four northern Bay Area counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Napa and Solano. Job postings, chapter meetings, design tours, contract documents, resume bank and continuing education.
Involves members in a statewide effort to benefit the profession. News, career resources, continuing education, find a firm.
Distributor of AIA contract documents. Searchable architect directory and employment opportunities.
The Houston Chapter of the American Institute of Architects offers features, calendar of activities and searchable database of firm profiles.
The Las Vegas chapter of the American Institute of Architects. Mission, activities, calendar of events.
Chapter news, member sites, referral listings and information on Archi awards and programs.
Lectures, tours and other programs and events for members and the general public.
News, events, chapter meetings, awards and member list.
Announcements, calendar, design awards, newsletter, regional directors, services directory plus information on continuing education.
Works to enhance the architect's position as the leader of the building team and designer of the built environment. Includes news, events, job board, award announcements.
Provide architectural news, events, help, and information to both those in the profession and those interested in finding an architect.
The professional association for licensed architects in Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito counties in California. Awards, bulletin, events, board of directors, members, classified ads and related links.
Consultants and resources guide, events calendar, professional tools, contract documents and information on membership.
Chapter overview, architect finder, forms and documents, news, events and sponsors list.
The New Mexico Chapter of the American Institute of Architects.
New York City chapter provides information on its board of directors, staff, continuing education and publications.
News, roster of officers and information on governmental affairs, awards, state convention and membership.
American Institute of Architects NC chapter. Provides events calendar, news, local sections.
This chapter of the American Institute of Architects offers a directory of members and AIA news.
Information covering architectural referrals, events, awards, and education for this chapter.
Information about architecture, chapter directors and members, sub-web sites for all participating members, searchable architect database, online ordering for architect and AIA forms and numerous links.
This chapter of The American Institute of Architects offers a members directory and information on events and job opportunities.
This chapter of AIA provides a bulletin, calendar of events and information of the board of directors and membership, with related links.
Documents and code books, government affairs, member benefits, special events and directory of accredited schools of architecture in the state.
Includes details of events, member information, architect finder and architecture bookstore.
News, calendar, directory, forum and online shopping for gifts and AIA documents.
Calendar, bulletin board, member news, awards, FAQ, employment classifieds and members listing.
The San Antonio chapter of the American Institute of Architects offers events calendar, firms finder,continuing education.
This chapter of the American Institute of Architects advises on choosing an architect, and gives information on the chapter, its lectures, programs and awards. Database of local architects.
Calendar of events. Employment postings. San Francisco architecture of interest. Chapter information. AIA contract documents. Resources for architects, clients, contractors, and consultants.
A non-profit professional association serving over 600 member architects, associates and other industry professionals. Includes membership, committees and continuing education.
Northern New Mexico chapter of the American Institute of Architects.
Links to membership information, calendar of events, architect resource center, professional tools, local Architecture and history.
Information about chapter activities and members, along with some AIA links.
Executive committee, meeting schedule, news and member directory.
State chapter of the American Institute of Architects offers information on architects, architecture and web resources for the general public and AIA members.
Washington state government architectural issues and links, links to architecture related sites and to State AIA chapter sites.
Provides a directory, job center, events, newsletter and membership information.
The first international chapter of the institute.
Provides news, events, membership directory and guides to committees and publications.
Provides information on monthly programs, seminars and conventions, competitions, and a database of architecture firms and members.
Collection of chapter records and committee material from 1922 to 1988. Scope, inventory and access.
Including articles, awards, job listings, meetings, events and resources.
The institutes's entry in the collaborative online encyclopedia. Includes organization and history.
National professional association of architects. Includes career center, book store, continuing education, AIA chapters.
Includes calendar, documents, classifieds, awards, young architects, links, sponsors and architrave newsletter that pertain to the Miami Valley.
A non-profit professional association serving over 600 member architects, associates and other industry professionals. Includes membership, committees and continuing education.
American Institute of Architects NC chapter. Provides events calendar, news, local sections.
This chapter of The American Institute of Architects offers a members directory and information on events and job opportunities.
Northern New Mexico chapter of the American Institute of Architects.
Including articles, awards, job listings, meetings, events and resources.
The institutes's entry in the collaborative online encyclopedia. Includes organization and history.
President's page, chapter business, awards, member firms and continuing education. A part of the Virginia AIA.
Collection of chapter records and committee material from 1922 to 1988. Scope, inventory and access.
Includes details of events, member information, architect finder and architecture bookstore.
This chapter of the American Institute of Architects advises on choosing an architect, and gives information on the chapter, its lectures, programs and awards. Database of local architects.
The Houston Chapter of the American Institute of Architects offers features, calendar of activities and searchable database of firm profiles.
The professional association for licensed architects in Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito counties in California. Awards, bulletin, events, board of directors, members, classified ads and related links.
Chapter news, member sites, referral listings and information on Archi awards and programs.
Links to membership information, calendar of events, architect resource center, professional tools, local Architecture and history.
This chapter of AIA provides a bulletin, calendar of events and information of the board of directors and membership, with related links.
News, events, chapter meetings, awards and member list.
OnLine contract documents, information about architecture and information about the Columbus Chapter itself.
Serves architects and the public in four northern Bay Area counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Napa and Solano. Job postings, chapter meetings, design tours, contract documents, resume bank and continuing education.
The Chicago Chapter of the American Institute of Architects introduces its location, staff and activities and lists events. Also gives information on selecting an architect.
Works to enhance the architect's position as the leader of the building team and designer of the built environment. Includes news, events, job board, award announcements.
Executive committee, meeting schedule, news and member directory.
This chapter of the American Institute of Architects offers a directory of members and AIA news.
Information covering architectural referrals, events, awards, and education for this chapter.
News, roster of officers and information on governmental affairs, awards, state convention and membership.
Provides news, events, membership directory and guides to committees and publications.
Information about chapter activities and members, along with some AIA links.
New York City chapter provides information on its board of directors, staff, continuing education and publications.
Board of directors, newsletter, directory of members and related links.
The Birmingham Chapter of the American Institute of Architects lists its executive committee, council and members.
Consultants and resources guide, events calendar, professional tools, contract documents and information on membership.
Provides information on monthly programs, seminars and conventions, competitions, and a database of architecture firms and members.
The Las Vegas chapter of the American Institute of Architects. Mission, activities, calendar of events.
State chapter of the American Institute of Architects offers information on architects, architecture and web resources for the general public and AIA members.
Announcements, newsletter, chapter profile, events, awards, programs and information on the Delaware Architecture Foundation.
Mission statement, calendar, newsletter, events and information on sponsorship and advertising opportunities.
The San Antonio chapter of the American Institute of Architects offers events calendar, firms finder,continuing education.
Announcements, calendar, design awards, newsletter, regional directors, services directory plus information on continuing education.
Provides information on its aims and activities, directors and members, with related links.
Chapter overview, architect finder, forms and documents, news, events and sponsors list.
Austin, Texas area chapter of the American Institute of Architects.
Distributor of AIA contract documents. Searchable architect directory and employment opportunities.
State chapter of the American Institute of Architects provides calendar plus information on events and membership.
Provide architectural news, events, help, and information to both those in the profession and those interested in finding an architect.
News, calendar, directory, forum and online shopping for gifts and AIA documents.
Documents and code books, government affairs, member benefits, special events and directory of accredited schools of architecture in the state.
Washington state government architectural issues and links, links to architecture related sites and to State AIA chapter sites.
Lectures, tours and other programs and events for members and the general public.
The New Mexico Chapter of the American Institute of Architects.
Calendar of events. Employment postings. San Francisco architecture of interest. Chapter information. AIA contract documents. Resources for architects, clients, contractors, and consultants.
Provides a directory, job center, events, newsletter and membership information.
Information about architecture, chapter directors and members, sub-web sites for all participating members, searchable architect database, online ordering for architect and AIA forms and numerous links.
Calendar, bulletin board, member news, awards, FAQ, employment classifieds and members listing.
Involves members in a statewide effort to benefit the profession. News, career resources, continuing education, find a firm.
The first international chapter of the institute.
Last update:
November 15, 2023 at 3:55:04 UTC
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