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In the 8th and 9th centuries a specifically Islamic style developed, which spread across the Middle East, India, North Africa and Spain with the Muslim conquests. Characteristic features are the horse-shoe arch, domes, and rich surface decoration especially calligraphy and geometrical patterns using glazed tiles or mosaic.
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Beautiful photography enhances this tour around the Iranian city notable for the Grand Mosque and other buildings around the Great Square, a World Heritage site. By Thomas Rochford of Anglia Polytechnic University.
Textual and visual resources on Islamic architecture around the world. Includes a collection of images from the Aga Khan Visual Archives.
Sakar Datoo explains the development of Islamic architecture, with references. Part of Ismaili Web.
The Thesaurus Islamicus Foundation provides material on Islamic art and architecture including photographs of Islamic monuments in Cairo.
Overview of a course at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Prof. Nasser Rabbat. Illustrated outline history of Islamic architecture.
Essay by Dr. A. Zahoor on the extravagant pleasure palaces built in the 10th century by Islamic potentates in Spain.
Textual and visual resources on Islamic architecture around the world. Includes a collection of images from the Aga Khan Visual Archives.
Beautiful photography enhances this tour around the Iranian city notable for the Grand Mosque and other buildings around the Great Square, a World Heritage site. By Thomas Rochford of Anglia Polytechnic University.
Sakar Datoo explains the development of Islamic architecture, with references. Part of Ismaili Web.
Essay by Dr. A. Zahoor on the extravagant pleasure palaces built in the 10th century by Islamic potentates in Spain.
The Thesaurus Islamicus Foundation provides material on Islamic art and architecture including photographs of Islamic monuments in Cairo.
Overview of a course at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Prof. Nasser Rabbat. Illustrated outline history of Islamic architecture.
Last update:
November 27, 2023 at 9:45:18 UTC
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