Covers a wide span from the Victorian ladies' corset to their modern incarnation as fashion clothing.
More widely, includes any garment that compresses or restricts the motion of the body by means of stiffened fabric laced tight, and garments made to emulate the appearance of true corsets.
Sites that only deal with the strictly historical aspects of corsetry belong in the linked Living_History category.
More information
Subcategories 2
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Sites 8
Features leather corsets primarily used for tightlacing, waist training, and female elegancy. Advice and photographs.
A blog about sewing all corsets of Norah Waugh's "Corsets and Crinolines". With photographs and other details.
Corset news site with background information.
A personal website of a girl in her twenties about corsets, corsetry, tight-lacing and feminine fashion.
Big archive of corset information. Almost daily updates with news related to corsets.
Information for corsetmakers. Has several free articles, but require paid subscription to get access to all content.
Personal account of a woman and her tight-lacing in corsets.
A womans experience with wear corsets. Contains her personal advice and gallery.
Big archive of corset information. Almost daily updates with news related to corsets.
Personal account of a woman and her tight-lacing in corsets.
Information for corsetmakers. Has several free articles, but require paid subscription to get access to all content.
Features leather corsets primarily used for tightlacing, waist training, and female elegancy. Advice and photographs.
A blog about sewing all corsets of Norah Waugh's "Corsets and Crinolines". With photographs and other details.
Corset news site with background information.
A womans experience with wear corsets. Contains her personal advice and gallery.
A personal website of a girl in her twenties about corsets, corsetry, tight-lacing and feminine fashion.

Last update:
March 3, 2022 at 3:55:13 UTC

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