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J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series is intended to comprise seven books. Four have been published so far. They are:

  1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (known as Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone in the USA)
  2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

The fifth book is due early in 2002 and will be called Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

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News, games, and humor. Over 70 sections with information on the books and the movie, puzzles, message boards, and trivia.
Discussion guides for all books, including sample chapters, plus an interview with J.K. Rowling, excerpts from reviews, games and screensavers.
A reference of characters, places, spells, and items in the Harry Potter series.
Information about the books, characters and places as well as a spell encyclopedia, wallpaper, screensaver and links to other sites.
Contains various quizzes to play and create.
Bibliography on Harry Potter-related literature, articles, and monographs.
Publisher of this popular series offers a profile of the author, plus reviews, FAQs and a glossary. Includes online ordering.
A comparison of the Mainland Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, and Vietnamese translations of the Harry Potter series.
Information about various subjects in the Harry Potter books.
Information on Rowling, quotes and characters from the books, news, rumors, reviews, and links.
Read and comment on the latest Harry Potter book and movie news.
Listing of the meanings behind the names of people, places, and objects in the Harry Potter universe.
Home page of imaginary Harry Potter theme park including ideas of attractions, maps, general information, and "Find things hidden in this picture" -games.
Discussion guides for all books, including sample chapters, plus an interview with J.K. Rowling, excerpts from reviews, games and screensavers.
News, games, and humor. Over 70 sections with information on the books and the movie, puzzles, message boards, and trivia.
Publisher of this popular series offers a profile of the author, plus reviews, FAQs and a glossary. Includes online ordering.
Bibliography on Harry Potter-related literature, articles, and monographs.
Contains various quizzes to play and create.
Information about various subjects in the Harry Potter books.
A reference of characters, places, spells, and items in the Harry Potter series.
Read and comment on the latest Harry Potter book and movie news.
A comparison of the Mainland Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, and Vietnamese translations of the Harry Potter series.
Information about the books, characters and places as well as a spell encyclopedia, wallpaper, screensaver and links to other sites.
Information on Rowling, quotes and characters from the books, news, rumors, reviews, and links.
Home page of imaginary Harry Potter theme park including ideas of attractions, maps, general information, and "Find things hidden in this picture" -games.
Listing of the meanings behind the names of people, places, and objects in the Harry Potter universe.

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November 22, 2023 at 8:15:11 UTC
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