This category includes poetry criticism and theory
in the form of book reviews,
essays, treatises and articles. The material covers a wide range - from contemporary to classic, regional to international.
While some online journals and literary reviews are included, it is not primarily a category for webzines.
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Sites 13
Poet and critic Charles Bernstein explains why National Poetry Month is bad for poetry.
Heavily annotated translation at the Perseus Project's website.
Journal of African and African-American writing containing original work by and critical studies of black writers worldwide.
A 1991 essay examining why poetry has vanished as a cultural force in America.
A collection of poetry reviews. Authors reviewed include Ursula K. Le Guin and Robert Graves.
Reviews of gay writing coming out of Australia.
An online literary review.
An essay by Albert Gelpi.
Report by Lynette Abel of a class given by Eli Siegel on the meaning of poetry. In it, he discusses Carl Sandburg's "To a Contemporary Bunkshooter."
An essay on the work of Brian Patten, one of the Liverpool Poets.
Collection of classical literary criticism on the Internet (1350 to 1660 A.D.)
Attacks on contemporary American poets.
Anthologizing in the nineties. An essay by Marjorie Perloff.
Anthologizing in the nineties. An essay by Marjorie Perloff.
Journal of African and African-American writing containing original work by and critical studies of black writers worldwide.
A 1991 essay examining why poetry has vanished as a cultural force in America.
Heavily annotated translation at the Perseus Project's website.
Reviews of gay writing coming out of Australia.
Attacks on contemporary American poets.
Collection of classical literary criticism on the Internet (1350 to 1660 A.D.)
An essay by Albert Gelpi.
An essay on the work of Brian Patten, one of the Liverpool Poets.
A collection of poetry reviews. Authors reviewed include Ursula K. Le Guin and Robert Graves.
Report by Lynette Abel of a class given by Eli Siegel on the meaning of poetry. In it, he discusses Carl Sandburg's "To a Contemporary Bunkshooter."
Poet and critic Charles Bernstein explains why National Poetry Month is bad for poetry.
An online literary review.

Last update:
November 22, 2023 at 8:15:03 UTC

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