Born in Czechoslovakia in 1932, Milos Forman began his film directing career in that country, but emigrated to the United States after 1968. His major films include "Loves of a Blonde," "Fireman's Ball", and "Black Peter" (Czech); and "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," "Hair," "Ragtime", "Amadeus," and "The People vs. Larry Flynt" (US).
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More information
Subcategories 1
Related categories 2
Sites 5
Biography and list of major works.
Internet Movie Database entry. Filmography, awards, and other topics.
Vital statistics, partial filmography, and a list of the director's favorite films.
Interview with the director.
(April 24, 2002)
The director discusses his experiences in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s and 1960s, being a filmmaker in capitalist and communist societies, and other thoughts on politics and his life.
(January 18, 1997)
Biography and list of major works.
Internet Movie Database entry. Filmography, awards, and other topics.
Vital statistics, partial filmography, and a list of the director's favorite films.
Interview with the director.
(April 24, 2002)
The director discusses his experiences in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s and 1960s, being a filmmaker in capitalist and communist societies, and other thoughts on politics and his life.
(January 18, 1997)
Other languages 1
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August 28, 2019 at 13:42:46 UTC
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