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Sites presenting movie scripts online or related material.
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Scripts from horror, sci-fi, fantasy and thriller movies, ready to download.
Hundreds of monologues from popular films, arranged alphabetically.
Index of downloadable movie and television scripts.
Collection of horror, suspense, and science fiction movie scripts in plain text format.
Movie scripts online free for reading and downloading. Hundreds of popular movie scripts available.
Alphabetical listing of screenplays for various action, science fiction, and horror films.
Downloadable sci-fi, fantasy and horror movie scripts.
Features downloadable scripts from various movies organized alphabetically.
Features a variety of online scripts available to read in an unzipped format.
Created by Michael Perlin, a writer, editor, sound engineer and visual quality technician.
Searchable directory of downloadable scripts. Includes television, radio, anime and unproduced scripts and screenplays.
Some scripts of television shows and popular movies.
Created by Michael Perlin, a writer, editor, sound engineer and visual quality technician.
Some scripts of television shows and popular movies.
Index of downloadable movie and television scripts.
Searchable directory of downloadable scripts. Includes television, radio, anime and unproduced scripts and screenplays.
Collection of horror, suspense, and science fiction movie scripts in plain text format.
Features a variety of online scripts available to read in an unzipped format.
Hundreds of monologues from popular films, arranged alphabetically.
Alphabetical listing of screenplays for various action, science fiction, and horror films.
Features downloadable scripts from various movies organized alphabetically.
Downloadable sci-fi, fantasy and horror movie scripts.
Movie scripts online free for reading and downloading. Hundreds of popular movie scripts available.
Scripts from horror, sci-fi, fantasy and thriller movies, ready to download.

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Last update:
October 21, 2022 at 23:15:05 UTC
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