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Sites relating to the movies' portrayal of warfare or people's reaction to war. This includes movies with scenes of actual combat as well as those set against the backdrop of armed conflict, such as Casablanca, and those dealing with war's aftermath or effects on non-combatants.
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The Center for Media Literacy provides FAQs, articles, and related resources to aid in the study and analysis of war films.
Fan page about various military films, briefly describing each title.
Information about movies telling the story of the attack. Film information, reviews, and photographs.
Reviews and background on European war films, old and new, classics and trash.
Library of Congress site providing information on films of the Spanish American War in its holdings.
Internet Movie Database users vote for the top fifty all-time War movies.
Weblog covering various aspects of the war's impact on Hollywood, from retrospective articles to reviews of modern film.
Discussion of war and anti-war movies from pre-WWI to the present day. Provides a listing of war films.
Brief personal film reviews.
The Center for Media Literacy provides FAQs, articles, and related resources to aid in the study and analysis of war films.
Internet Movie Database users vote for the top fifty all-time War movies.
Weblog covering various aspects of the war's impact on Hollywood, from retrospective articles to reviews of modern film.
Discussion of war and anti-war movies from pre-WWI to the present day. Provides a listing of war films.
Brief personal film reviews.
Reviews and background on European war films, old and new, classics and trash.
Information about movies telling the story of the attack. Film information, reviews, and photographs.
Fan page about various military films, briefly describing each title.
Library of Congress site providing information on films of the Spanish American War in its holdings.

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April 20, 2018 at 6:24:03 UTC
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