This category is for personal pages covering a collection of movies.
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More information
Subcategories 13
Related categories 3
Sites 9
Best films from 1900 to present, according to Robert Bloom.
Several reviews, movie bloopers, and trivia.
Personal site with reviews and pictures for films including Godfather II, Snatch, and Fight Club.
Features personal pictures and wav files from favorite movies.
Chili-n-Willie host their own version of the Academy Awards, with user nominations.
Weblog providing reviews and industry articles.
Weblog with film synopses, celebrity profiles, and photographs.
Personal Indian movie site featuring list of favorite Indian movies and personal information.
A weblog written by a Turkish man with musings and his opinions on the best films of the year.
Weblog providing reviews and industry articles.
Weblog with film synopses, celebrity profiles, and photographs.
A weblog written by a Turkish man with musings and his opinions on the best films of the year.
Personal site with reviews and pictures for films including Godfather II, Snatch, and Fight Club.
Several reviews, movie bloopers, and trivia.
Chili-n-Willie host their own version of the Academy Awards, with user nominations.
Best films from 1900 to present, according to Robert Bloom.
Features personal pictures and wav files from favorite movies.
Personal Indian movie site featuring list of favorite Indian movies and personal information.
Other languages 2

Last update:
September 21, 2020 at 18:35:07 UTC

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Regional: North America: United States: Vermont: Localities: B: Burlington: Arts and Entertainment: Music
- Recently edited by lisagirl
- Recently edited by lisagirl