Based on the novel by Jules Verne, Around the World in 80 Days is the story of Phileas Fogg's attempt to win a bet. Winner of the Academy Award for Best Motion Picture of 1956.
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Plot outline, cast and crew, and reviews.
MaryAnn Johanson's review: "There's not really much of a plot, and the characters are little more than cardboard, but the whole point of this movie is to linger with Fogg and Passepartout as they drink in the beautiful countryside and exotic cities as they float languorously by."
(February 08, 1999)
Plot outline, cast and crew, and reviews.
MaryAnn Johanson's review: "There's not really much of a plot, and the characters are little more than cardboard, but the whole point of this movie is to linger with Fogg and Passepartout as they drink in the beautiful countryside and exotic cities as they float languorously by."
(February 08, 1999)
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