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Photos, videos, news, and a review (rating: 2 out of 5).
Synopsis, cast members, showtimes, photos, trailers, news, and a forum.
Review, by Cammila Albertson: "Knowing is the path to eternal pain." [Rating: 1 out of 4]
Review, by James Berardinelli: "Science fiction fans will feel gypped, disaster movie fans will appreciate about 10 minutes of screen time and be bored by the rest, and no one else will care." [Rating: 2 out of 4]
(March 18, 2009)
Review, by Roger Ebert: "Knowing is among the best science-fiction films I've seen -- frightening, suspenseful, intelligent and, when it needs to be, rather awesome." [Rating: 4 out of 4]
(March 18, 2009)
Review, by Cammila Albertson: "Knowing is the path to eternal pain." [Rating: 1 out of 4]
Photos, videos, news, and a review (rating: 2 out of 5).
Synopsis, cast members, showtimes, photos, trailers, news, and a forum.
Review, by James Berardinelli: "Science fiction fans will feel gypped, disaster movie fans will appreciate about 10 minutes of screen time and be bored by the rest, and no one else will care." [Rating: 2 out of 4]
(March 18, 2009)
Review, by Roger Ebert: "Knowing is among the best science-fiction films I've seen -- frightening, suspenseful, intelligent and, when it needs to be, rather awesome." [Rating: 4 out of 4]
(March 18, 2009)
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February 6, 2017 at 2:51:39 UTC
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