American actor born on October 18, 1927. Won the Best Actor in a Leading Role Oscar in 1971 for Patton (1970) but he refused to accept the nomination and the award, because he did not feel himself to be in any competition with other actors.
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Obituary of this actor.
Article from Images, a journal of film and popular culture, on this actor's film career. Filmography covers movies from 1959 to 1995.
George C. Scott's filmography at IMDb.
By Major Bob Morrissey USMC (Ret).
Filmography, photos, and academy award nominations for this actor.
Michael Sragow's moviemakers column focuses on the career of this actor.
(September 30, 1999)
CNN article on the work of George C. Scott and Jack Lemmon in this upcoming movie.
(May 28, 1998)
Article from CNN on Scott's performance in Inherit the Wind.
(April 06, 1996)
Obituary of this actor.
George C. Scott's filmography at IMDb.
Filmography, photos, and academy award nominations for this actor.
By Major Bob Morrissey USMC (Ret).
Article from Images, a journal of film and popular culture, on this actor's film career. Filmography covers movies from 1959 to 1995.
Michael Sragow's moviemakers column focuses on the career of this actor.
(September 30, 1999)
CNN article on the work of George C. Scott and Jack Lemmon in this upcoming movie.
(May 28, 1998)
Article from CNN on Scott's performance in Inherit the Wind.
(April 06, 1996)
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December 3, 2014 at 18:46:05 UTC
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