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Arts Photography Organizations
This category is for sites about non-professional photography organizations, other than online clubs, which are listed in Arts/Photography/Photographers/Communities. The category concentrates on sites offering resources for hobby clubs, or links to them. A small number of local club sites of exceptional interest may also be found here, and in regions where there are few English-language club sites, all may be listed.
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Creating opportunities, community, and support for a global community of film photographers.
Unites diverse professionals in the imaging industry worldwide.
A member-based association representing qualified, eligible and experienced newborn photographers. Includes a directory of photographers.
The Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) committee. To discuss and create the standards for still image compression and processing.
Mission statement, photographic tips, program, competitions, pictures by members, news and links from a club near Sydney, New South Wales.
National organization shows courses available, news and events, history, pictures from past exhibitions and application for membership.
List of member clubs, salons, trophies awarded and standards applied in judging, description of the organization, and legal notes.
Dates of club nights, competitions, newsletter, workshops for members, galleries of award-winning pictures, and links from a club in South Africa.
The Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) committee. To discuss and create the standards for still image compression and processing.
Unites diverse professionals in the imaging industry worldwide.
A member-based association representing qualified, eligible and experienced newborn photographers. Includes a directory of photographers.
Creating opportunities, community, and support for a global community of film photographers.
Mission statement, photographic tips, program, competitions, pictures by members, news and links from a club near Sydney, New South Wales.
National organization shows courses available, news and events, history, pictures from past exhibitions and application for membership.
Dates of club nights, competitions, newsletter, workshops for members, galleries of award-winning pictures, and links from a club in South Africa.
List of member clubs, salons, trophies awarded and standards applied in judging, description of the organization, and legal notes.

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Last update:
August 12, 2023 at 6:35:02 UTC
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