"Desperate Housewives" first aired October 2004. A dead suburban housewife narrates the sordid events in her former neighborhood.
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Subcategories 2
Sites 4
Spoilers, episode guide, speculation, and news.
News about the actors, episode summaries, quotes, pictures and video, and a message board.
Information about the cast and crew, memorable quotes, show "goofs," filming locations, episode list, trivia, a poll and quiz, photo gallery, viewer comments, news articles, and a message board.
Trivia, questions, and quizzes about the show.
Spoilers, episode guide, speculation, and news.
Information about the cast and crew, memorable quotes, show "goofs," filming locations, episode list, trivia, a poll and quiz, photo gallery, viewer comments, news articles, and a message board.
News about the actors, episode summaries, quotes, pictures and video, and a message board.
Trivia, questions, and quizzes about the show.
Other languages 2

Last update:
February 26, 2022 at 6:15:21 UTC

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- Recently edited by cherel
- Recently edited by cherel