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The television series "Angel," a spinoff of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," entered its second season on the WB in September 2000. "Angel" is a Mutant Enemy, Inc., David Greenwalt Productions and Kuzui/Sandollar production in association with Twentieth Century Fox Television.
More information
C/A fiction site updated frequently with new stories.
Resource for writers and readers of Angel fan fiction. Includes on-line workshop, FAQs, Mary Sue Litmus test, beta reader index and links.
Includes fan fiction about Doyle (from the "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" spin-off "Angel") by Tara O'Shea, fan fiction challenges, and the answers to those challenges by multiple authors. Includes links to print fanzines, and on-line fan fiction archives.
A series based on Angel, Wesley and Cordelia. There will be nine parts along with 3 interludes and an epilogue.
Alternate universe stories based on the show.
Fan fiction dedicated to the character, Doyle, from the WB television series "Angel," particularly romantic fan fiction involving Doyle and the BtVS/Angel character of Cordelia Chase.
A series based on Angel, Wesley and Cordelia. There will be nine parts along with 3 interludes and an epilogue.
C/A fiction site updated frequently with new stories.
Includes fan fiction about Doyle (from the "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" spin-off "Angel") by Tara O'Shea, fan fiction challenges, and the answers to those challenges by multiple authors. Includes links to print fanzines, and on-line fan fiction archives.
Resource for writers and readers of Angel fan fiction. Includes on-line workshop, FAQs, Mary Sue Litmus test, beta reader index and links.
Alternate universe stories based on the show.
Fan fiction dedicated to the character, Doyle, from the WB television series "Angel," particularly romantic fan fiction involving Doyle and the BtVS/Angel character of Cordelia Chase.
Last update:
September 12, 2014 at 11:19:15 UTC
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