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This category is for art thats not quite ASCII art as we know it in the ASCII newsgroup and on the email lists, etc. This is sometimes the art used on AOL chatrooms where the font is Ariel 10pts, instead of a fixed width font. Also, as with the colourized ASCII art the standard keyboard characters are not the only characters used. To save confusion I have put all the art called: ANSI art, HTML art, text art and macro art in a category by themselves.
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ANSI and ASCII art and artpack collections. Curated by Jason Scott.
Artpacks act as an archive of the BBS, ANSI and ASCII art scenes, from 1990 to present. Artpacks are recognized as one of the primary reasons that the early computer art scene is so well preserved and documented in relation to other underground computer scenes at the time.
What is special about this kind of art? All of it is made of text which can be found on the keyboard. You can just copy and paste this into AOL chat and it will be shown.
A site with text art utilities using photos and images.
Runs your tweet on an 8-bit computer emulator.
Text and pixel artist. Based in the UK.
A text art creative contest.
BBC Micro and retro art.
Choose an image and convert it into Braille text art, unicode.
Digital retro artist. Teletext and other forms of text art.
Early example of digital computer graphics from 1965. May have paved the way for modern day scanners.
Personal site and technical blog. Interests: ANSI Art, DNS, NetBSD, OpenBSD, security, and text mode.
Facebook page for the ANSI, ASCII and Japanese text art group.
Text art by gfascii. Created by tracing original art to create a copy of the image in text.
Heikki Lotvonen, modular design and text artist. Creator of the Glyph Drawing Club online software.
A coder and designer specializing in modular design and text art.
A description of text based art and timeline with artist links.
Chris DeRobertis text and visual art. Visual/ concrete poetry.
Making one line ASCII text art.
Inspiration with animated text art technologies.
A multifaceted art group: ANSi, ASCii, PETSCii, and pixel art in upcoming packs.
Art and poetry by Sarah Burgess.
A large ASCII mosaic constructed of tiny plastic letter bricks.
ASCII and text art. Available to buy. Artist from Ontario, Canada.
Site by Carl. Some art posted, mainly about the technology.
Online text generators and converters. Includes ASCII and other text art.
A collection of text graphics and related works, stretching back thousands of years. Textiles, BBS-graphics, poetry, mosaic, typography. Collected by Raquel Meyers and Goto80.
Archives of various 1980s BBSs.
Creating pictures made from text. Using your photo and your text designers will create a personalized work of art called a Text-o-graph.
A central UTF-8 repository of Unicode art (which also automatically includes all 7-bit ASCII art), in an effort to further popularize the use of Unicode to strengthen multi-cultural computing internationally.
Text art and graphic design, photography, and hand fabricated works. Huntsville, Ontario.
Polyducks explains (with illustrations) textmode and textmode art.
Unicode to use with social media posts.
Randomly created text art and other text content.
An interview with Swedish artist, Raquel Meyers. Artist in teletext, PETSCII, and other forms of text art. Posted by Stephen Fortune. (November 05, 2013)
A site with text art utilities using photos and images.
A description of text based art and timeline with artist links.
BBC Micro and retro art.
Randomly created text art and other text content.
Site by Carl. Some art posted, mainly about the technology.
Runs your tweet on an 8-bit computer emulator.
Polyducks explains (with illustrations) textmode and textmode art.
What is special about this kind of art? All of it is made of text which can be found on the keyboard. You can just copy and paste this into AOL chat and it will be shown.
Choose an image and convert it into Braille text art, unicode.
Unicode to use with social media posts.
Making one line ASCII text art.
A text art creative contest.
ANSI and ASCII art and artpack collections. Curated by Jason Scott.
Inspiration with animated text art technologies.
Art and poetry by Sarah Burgess.
Digital retro artist. Teletext and other forms of text art.
Heikki Lotvonen, modular design and text artist. Creator of the Glyph Drawing Club online software.
A coder and designer specializing in modular design and text art.
Text art by gfascii. Created by tracing original art to create a copy of the image in text.
Online text generators and converters. Includes ASCII and other text art.
ASCII and text art. Available to buy. Artist from Ontario, Canada.
A multifaceted art group: ANSi, ASCii, PETSCii, and pixel art in upcoming packs.
Text art and graphic design, photography, and hand fabricated works. Huntsville, Ontario.
Text and pixel artist. Based in the UK.
Personal site and technical blog. Interests: ANSI Art, DNS, NetBSD, OpenBSD, security, and text mode.
Facebook page for the ANSI, ASCII and Japanese text art group.
Archives of various 1980s BBSs.
Artpacks act as an archive of the BBS, ANSI and ASCII art scenes, from 1990 to present. Artpacks are recognized as one of the primary reasons that the early computer art scene is so well preserved and documented in relation to other underground computer scenes at the time.
Chris DeRobertis text and visual art. Visual/ concrete poetry.
Creating pictures made from text. Using your photo and your text designers will create a personalized work of art called a Text-o-graph.
A collection of text graphics and related works, stretching back thousands of years. Textiles, BBS-graphics, poetry, mosaic, typography. Collected by Raquel Meyers and Goto80.
A large ASCII mosaic constructed of tiny plastic letter bricks.
Early example of digital computer graphics from 1965. May have paved the way for modern day scanners.
A central UTF-8 repository of Unicode art (which also automatically includes all 7-bit ASCII art), in an effort to further popularize the use of Unicode to strengthen multi-cultural computing internationally.
An interview with Swedish artist, Raquel Meyers. Artist in teletext, PETSCII, and other forms of text art. Posted by Stephen Fortune. (November 05, 2013)
Last update:
November 27, 2023 at 3:10:43 UTC
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