Specializing in processing engineering, including plant design and construction. Includes both the piping associated with processing plants and trunk pipelines.
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Asset development assistance, consulting, project management and construction services for energy-related companies and contractors.
Provides specialized engineering services to pipeline operators.
Assists pipeline operators who are required to meet Federal drug testing requirements.
Consultant Dr. Y. Zak Friedman offers advanced process control models and on-line optimization for refinery units. Also seminars and consulting services.
Project management, process design, engineering design, procurement, fabrication and construction. Operating in USA, Former Soviet Union, Middle East and Indian Subcontinent.
Design and simulation of pigging its effect on pipelines. Includes dual diameter, high friction and bypass pigging.
Advanced technology for conversion of natural gas to liquids.
Design and consultancy on large cryogenic storage tanks for LNG, LPG and Ethylene.
Advanced technology for conversion of natural gas to liquids.
Project management, process design, engineering design, procurement, fabrication and construction. Operating in USA, Former Soviet Union, Middle East and Indian Subcontinent.
Provides specialized engineering services to pipeline operators.
Consultant Dr. Y. Zak Friedman offers advanced process control models and on-line optimization for refinery units. Also seminars and consulting services.
Assists pipeline operators who are required to meet Federal drug testing requirements.
Design and consultancy on large cryogenic storage tanks for LNG, LPG and Ethylene.
Asset development assistance, consulting, project management and construction services for energy-related companies and contractors.
Design and simulation of pigging its effect on pipelines. Includes dual diameter, high friction and bypass pigging.

Last update:
January 19, 2022 at 7:25:11 UTC

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Regional: North America: United States: Nebraska: Localities: A: Aurora: Business and Economy
- Recently edited by cherel
- Recently edited by cherel