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Business Telecommunications Two-Way Radio
Also known as LMR or Land Mobile radio, two-way radio provides the mobile communications needs of businesses worldwide. This is not an amateur or Family Radio, cb radio area. Do NOT send URL suggestions or updates to editors. Use the Add URL or Update URL links from the category page instead. Thank you. If you know a web site that would make a good addition to this area, please submit it by going to the appropriate sub-category and at the top of the page click "Add URL." Suggestions for new categories or other comments are welcome.
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Mobile voice and data communications for airlines, airports and ground operation companies in mission critical environments.
On the jobsite in San Rafael or in the Sonoma workplace, professional 2-way radios provide instant communication with individuals or multiple groups. They operate on exclusive business frequencies, which helps limit congestion. Some solutions require FCC license.
Annual convention for two-way radio manufacturers. Held in Las Vegas, Nevada. Includes exhibitor list and registration information.
Provides reference information including news, local frequencies, and a wiki.
A directory of two way radio, mobile data, and other wireless communications resources.
Mobile voice and data communications for airlines, airports and ground operation companies in mission critical environments.
A directory of two way radio, mobile data, and other wireless communications resources.
On the jobsite in San Rafael or in the Sonoma workplace, professional 2-way radios provide instant communication with individuals or multiple groups. They operate on exclusive business frequencies, which helps limit congestion. Some solutions require FCC license.
Annual convention for two-way radio manufacturers. Held in Las Vegas, Nevada. Includes exhibitor list and registration information.
Provides reference information including news, local frequencies, and a wiki.

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Last update:
October 11, 2023 at 6:05:06 UTC
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