This category is for resources on VoiceXML, a markup language for voice applications. Voice XML is a now standard endorsed and maintained by the W3C (World Wide Web consortium).
VXML is designed to create audio dialogs that feature synthesized speech, digitized audio, recognition of spoken and DTMF key input, recording of spoken input, telephony, and mixed-initiative conversations.
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Sites 13
An index of VXML resources and events maintained by Ken Rehor, the "principal founder of the VoiceXML Forum".
The specifications which describes how tags within SRGS grammars may be inserted to support basic post-processing or full semantic interpretation. This is then used by VXML to support advanced features such as mixed initiative.
The W3C specifications used by VXML to enable speech recognition
The W3C specifications used by VXML to provide speech synthesis.
The upcoming call control language for more elaborate control than VXML transfer. CCXML uses VXML to specify dialogs with connected call parties.
Voice-technology related tutorials and articles including introduction to VXML, natural vs directed dialogs, SRGS and CCXML introductions
Official note specification; designed for creating audio dialogs that feature synthesized speech, digitized audio, recognition of spoken and DTMF key input, recording of spoken input, telephony, and mixed-initiative conversations. (W3C Note 05 May 2000)
Pointer to the latest 2.0 specification including new errata published by the W3C consortium.
The pointer to the latest 2.1 draft specifications including errata. Version 2.1 is a minor refinement of 2.0 with features that are simple, already implemented by some vendors, and not already available within 2.0 version.
Publications and resources.
A nice VXML tutorial provided by Dave Raggett to the W3C. A great introduction to VXML with code samples.
Portal of the activity of the W3C Voice Browser Working Group including public mailing list, links to current status, work under development, links to drafts and specifications, FAQs.
XHTML+Voice profile is designed for Web clients that support visual and spoken interaction.
An index of VXML resources and events maintained by Ken Rehor, the "principal founder of the VoiceXML Forum".
Publications and resources.
A nice VXML tutorial provided by Dave Raggett to the W3C. A great introduction to VXML with code samples.
Portal of the activity of the W3C Voice Browser Working Group including public mailing list, links to current status, work under development, links to drafts and specifications, FAQs.
The specifications which describes how tags within SRGS grammars may be inserted to support basic post-processing or full semantic interpretation. This is then used by VXML to support advanced features such as mixed initiative.
XHTML+Voice profile is designed for Web clients that support visual and spoken interaction.
The upcoming call control language for more elaborate control than VXML transfer. CCXML uses VXML to specify dialogs with connected call parties.
The W3C specifications used by VXML to enable speech recognition
The W3C specifications used by VXML to provide speech synthesis.
Official note specification; designed for creating audio dialogs that feature synthesized speech, digitized audio, recognition of spoken and DTMF key input, recording of spoken input, telephony, and mixed-initiative conversations. (W3C Note 05 May 2000)
Pointer to the latest 2.0 specification including new errata published by the W3C consortium.
Voice-technology related tutorials and articles including introduction to VXML, natural vs directed dialogs, SRGS and CCXML introductions
The pointer to the latest 2.1 draft specifications including errata. Version 2.1 is a minor refinement of 2.0 with features that are simple, already implemented by some vendors, and not already available within 2.0 version.
Other languages 1
Last update:
October 29, 2023 at 5:25:04 UTC
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- Recently edited by cherel