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Early advocate of using graphics for computer user interfaces, and of using computers to educate children creatively (*NOT* by wrote memory via drillware), one of the creators of object-oriented programming, leader in the creation of Smalltalk and the personal computer. Now working on Squeak and related software.
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Growing article, with links to related topics. Wikipedia.
Biography, photographs, and references for one of the foreground characters of the personal computer revolution.
Abstract, slide show, references, from First Steps on the Road to Reinventing Computing, by Ian Piumarta, Viewpoints Research Institute. Stanford EE Computer Systems Colloquium, 2007 Feb 14.
Describes new way to build programming languages, systems, environments, applications. By Ian Piumarta, Viewpoints Research Institute. [PDF]
A list of references to articles by Alan Kay. Excerpts of his master's and Ph.D. thesis.
By Alan C. Kay; essay on how things get invented, and how to do better. [Stanford Engineering]
Brief biography, old picture, some links, contact information.
A Forward by Kay, from a book on programming by demonstration.
Brief citation, many forum comments. Lambda the Ultimate. (February 02, 2007)
Summary of Kay talk, photograph series. Windley's Technometria. (February 23, 2006)
Summary of Kay talk, photograph series. Windley's Technometria. (February 23, 2006)
Covers history, Smalltalk, Squeak, Etoys, late binding, Croquet; Sketchpad, PDP1 Spacewar, Lisp; Ivan Sutherland, Doug Englebart, John McCarthy; in text, photos, audio, video in different resolutions. Open Content, public domain. (May 09, 2003)
Smalltalk inventor speaks about computing today, and where it's going. [O'Reilly] (April 03, 2003)
RealVideo webcast from conference by EDUCAUSE nonprofit association with goal to advance higher education by promoting intelligent use of information technology. (October 15, 1998)
By Howard Rheingold. Online copy of well known 1985 book on the invention of modern computing; this chapter on PARC, Alan Kay, Dynabook, Smalltalk, Atari. Newer (c)2000 edition of the book is out, with follow-up interviews. (June 01, 1985)
Famous Rolling Stone article by Stewart Brand, part of which discusses PARC, Alan Kay, Dynabook, Smalltalk. (December 07, 1972)
A list of references to articles by Alan Kay. Excerpts of his master's and Ph.D. thesis.
Brief biography, old picture, some links, contact information.
Abstract, slide show, references, from First Steps on the Road to Reinventing Computing, by Ian Piumarta, Viewpoints Research Institute. Stanford EE Computer Systems Colloquium, 2007 Feb 14.
Describes new way to build programming languages, systems, environments, applications. By Ian Piumarta, Viewpoints Research Institute. [PDF]
Growing article, with links to related topics. Wikipedia.
A Forward by Kay, from a book on programming by demonstration.
By Alan C. Kay; essay on how things get invented, and how to do better. [Stanford Engineering]
Biography, photographs, and references for one of the foreground characters of the personal computer revolution.
Brief citation, many forum comments. Lambda the Ultimate. (February 02, 2007)
Summary of Kay talk, photograph series. Windley's Technometria. (February 23, 2006)
Summary of Kay talk, photograph series. Windley's Technometria. (February 23, 2006)
Covers history, Smalltalk, Squeak, Etoys, late binding, Croquet; Sketchpad, PDP1 Spacewar, Lisp; Ivan Sutherland, Doug Englebart, John McCarthy; in text, photos, audio, video in different resolutions. Open Content, public domain. (May 09, 2003)
Smalltalk inventor speaks about computing today, and where it's going. [O'Reilly] (April 03, 2003)
RealVideo webcast from conference by EDUCAUSE nonprofit association with goal to advance higher education by promoting intelligent use of information technology. (October 15, 1998)
By Howard Rheingold. Online copy of well known 1985 book on the invention of modern computing; this chapter on PARC, Alan Kay, Dynabook, Smalltalk, Atari. Newer (c)2000 edition of the book is out, with follow-up interviews. (June 01, 1985)
Famous Rolling Stone article by Stewart Brand, part of which discusses PARC, Alan Kay, Dynabook, Smalltalk. (December 07, 1972)
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October 30, 2023 at 5:35:06 UTC
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