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Computers Internet Protocols
This category is for the protocols that are used in the Internet protocol suite, commonly known as the TCP/IP model, also known as the DoD model.
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Collates Request For Comments documents. Explains the RFC process, and includes a searchable database of RFCs.
Free electronic book in html format covering not only the TCP/IP protocols but also the configuration of most of the applications a network administrator must maintain.
A directory of the Internet Engineering Task Force groups and their web pages.
Notes and tutorials on networking. Old and newer data network technologies are both covered.
Overview of Internet protocols.
A consortium led by universities working in partnership with industry and government to develop and deploy advanced network applications and technologies, accelerating the creation of tomorrow's Internet.
A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol to make the web faster, safer, and more open.
A protocol that transfers text and binary files without errors between diverse types of computers over potentially hostile communication links, and a suite of communications software programs; Columbia University.
This manual, which is part of the Linux Documentation Project, contains a introduction to the TCP/IP protocols and covers various topics related to configuring networking services.
Critical reviews of several TCP/IP-related books. Recommendations for students.
Yet another introduction to the TCP/IP Protocols.
Redbooks Technical Manuals from IBM. TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview
Collates Request For Comments documents. Explains the RFC process, and includes a searchable database of RFCs.
A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol to make the web faster, safer, and more open.
A directory of the Internet Engineering Task Force groups and their web pages.
Notes and tutorials on networking. Old and newer data network technologies are both covered.
Yet another introduction to the TCP/IP Protocols.
Redbooks Technical Manuals from IBM. TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview
Critical reviews of several TCP/IP-related books. Recommendations for students.
Free electronic book in html format covering not only the TCP/IP protocols but also the configuration of most of the applications a network administrator must maintain.
This manual, which is part of the Linux Documentation Project, contains a introduction to the TCP/IP protocols and covers various topics related to configuring networking services.
A protocol that transfers text and binary files without errors between diverse types of computers over potentially hostile communication links, and a suite of communications software programs; Columbia University.
Overview of Internet protocols.
A consortium led by universities working in partnership with industry and government to develop and deploy advanced network applications and technologies, accelerating the creation of tomorrow's Internet.

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Last update:
January 19, 2024 at 3:07:31 UTC
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