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Subcategories 1

Official general editing guidelines for editors in all branches of the directory.
Official advice on how to critique the work of other editors (known as a Catcheck).
Official guidelines for Administrator editors.
Official guidelines for identifying adult web sites and their appropriate placement in the directory.
Advice and guidance for applications. It is suggested that you read this document before applying to edit another category.
Official guidelines for CatMods.
Categories of US universities and colleges, includes a link to the official template.
Official information on subcategories divided by geographical area outside the Regional category tree.
Official instructions for Editall and CatMv editors.
Official guidelines for editing games and gambling categories.
Official guidelines for editors working in the Kids and Teens section of the directory.
Official guidelines for Meta editors.
List of suggested standardized names for common types of subcategories.
Official guidelines that address the placement of real estate agent and agency sites in the Curlie Regional category.
Official guidelines for editors in the Regional branch. Editors should use these guidelines during reorganizations and for ongoing maintenance.
Specifies how to organize and where to place travel sites. This includes lodging, travel agents, tour operators, travel guides, transportation, and travelogues.
Official guidelines for dealing with quality control (QC) error messages.
General introduction to the World (Non-English language) hierarchy of the directory.
Official general editing guidelines for editors in all branches of the directory.
Advice and guidance for applications. It is suggested that you read this document before applying to edit another category.
Official guidelines for Administrator editors.
Specifies how to organize and where to place travel sites. This includes lodging, travel agents, tour operators, travel guides, transportation, and travelogues.
Official guidelines for editors in the Regional branch. Editors should use these guidelines during reorganizations and for ongoing maintenance.
Categories of US universities and colleges, includes a link to the official template.
Official guidelines for Meta editors.
Official information on subcategories divided by geographical area outside the Regional category tree.
Official guidelines for identifying adult web sites and their appropriate placement in the directory.
Official guidelines that address the placement of real estate agent and agency sites in the Curlie Regional category.
Official guidelines for CatMods.
Official guidelines for editing games and gambling categories.
Official instructions for Editall and CatMv editors.
Official guidelines for editors working in the Kids and Teens section of the directory.
General introduction to the World (Non-English language) hierarchy of the directory.
List of suggested standardized names for common types of subcategories.
Official guidelines for dealing with quality control (QC) error messages.
Official advice on how to critique the work of other editors (known as a Catcheck).

Other languages 2

Last update:
September 24, 2018 at 5:35:05 UTC
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