STL or Standard Template Library is a set of template classes that are contained as integral part of the current C++ Standard.
The Standard describes in detail a set of containers, iterators and other functionality that implementations of the STL need to provide.
There are already a few implementations available, some free, some commercial. More and more developers are using the STL because a lot of basic work is already done, tested and proved with nearly optimal performance and can be reused over and over again.
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Subcategories 4
Sites 17
A freely available implementation of the C++ Standard Template Library, including hypertext documentation.
A port of the original STL to many platforms. Derived from the SGI implementation, changes are incorporated regularly.
This FAQ deals with the containers, iterators, and algorithms sections of the C++ Standard, Clauses 23, 24 and 25.
The makers of the STL library included in Microsoft's VC.
Provides pointers to articles about how to use STL features, published in C++ Report and C/C++ Users Journal. Also a list of book reviews is provided.
A documentation of the C++ standard template library under the Free Documentation License.
A Larger Example of Use of STL
Provides the HP Implementation of the STL and some articles and documentation [FTP].
The creator of the STL gave an interview.
Offers a course that looks into one of the surprises related to use of iterators: invalidation.
ptr_vector is a convenient STL-compliant vector for pointers. In essence, ptr_vector lets you treat a vector of pointers as if it were a vector of values. Description and source-code download.
An enhancement for the STL that tries to catch many typical STL programming errors.
A set of tools to shorten the length of VC++ 6/7 STL-related error messages, allowing essential information to fit in status bar at the bottom of the Visual Studio IDE. [Freeware]
STL adaptation for eMbedded Visual C++. It is designed to work with Windows CE devices, such as H/PCs, Palm-sized PCs and Pocket PCs, and it is based on SGI's STL (3.3).
STL+ is a collection of reusable C++ components for developers already familiar with the STL. It includes abstract data types to extend the STL, reusable components, data persistence and portability components. The collection is general-purpose and portable between Windows and Unix platforms. [Open source, BSD License]
Container adaptors for use with STL standard containers. Filters, and transforms of data without copying.
The entry in the online encyclopedia briefly describes the STL.
A port of the original STL to many platforms. Derived from the SGI implementation, changes are incorporated regularly.
A freely available implementation of the C++ Standard Template Library, including hypertext documentation.
ptr_vector is a convenient STL-compliant vector for pointers. In essence, ptr_vector lets you treat a vector of pointers as if it were a vector of values. Description and source-code download.
Offers a course that looks into one of the surprises related to use of iterators: invalidation.
STL+ is a collection of reusable C++ components for developers already familiar with the STL. It includes abstract data types to extend the STL, reusable components, data persistence and portability components. The collection is general-purpose and portable between Windows and Unix platforms. [Open source, BSD License]
Provides pointers to articles about how to use STL features, published in C++ Report and C/C++ Users Journal. Also a list of book reviews is provided.
The entry in the online encyclopedia briefly describes the STL.
The creator of the STL gave an interview.
STL adaptation for eMbedded Visual C++. It is designed to work with Windows CE devices, such as H/PCs, Palm-sized PCs and Pocket PCs, and it is based on SGI's STL (3.3).
A Larger Example of Use of STL
Container adaptors for use with STL standard containers. Filters, and transforms of data without copying.
A set of tools to shorten the length of VC++ 6/7 STL-related error messages, allowing essential information to fit in status bar at the bottom of the Visual Studio IDE. [Freeware]
This FAQ deals with the containers, iterators, and algorithms sections of the C++ Standard, Clauses 23, 24 and 25.
Provides the HP Implementation of the STL and some articles and documentation [FTP].
An enhancement for the STL that tries to catch many typical STL programming errors.
The makers of the STL library included in Microsoft's VC.
A documentation of the C++ standard template library under the Free Documentation License.

Last update:
May 30, 2023 at 5:15:15 UTC

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