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This Category lists information about books and articles that describe the STL or Standard Template Library. Also links to erratas for popular books about the STL are provided.
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Provides the errata list for the book by Scott Meyers.
Provides downloadable Code for the book Effective STL, by Leor Zolman.
Reveals the critical rules of thumb employed by the experts--the things they almost always do or almost always avoid doing--to get the most out of the library. Contains 4 sample items. (Scott Meyers)
This page contains the Errata for "Generic Programming and the STL: Using and Extending the C++ Standard Template Library" by Matthew Austern.
The authors page about hist book. Contains a changelog, some errata and examples.
A page about the book from Wiley & Sons about STL.
Source files for all examples in the book by D.R. Musser and Atul Saini.
Information about the book "The STL Tutorial and Reference Guide" (Second Edition) including errata, downloadable source code and other information.
A review by Bob Adkins published in Linux Journal of the book by Leen Ammeraal. (February 17, 2000)
Provides the errata list for the book by Scott Meyers.
Reveals the critical rules of thumb employed by the experts--the things they almost always do or almost always avoid doing--to get the most out of the library. Contains 4 sample items. (Scott Meyers)
A page about the book from Wiley & Sons about STL.
This page contains the Errata for "Generic Programming and the STL: Using and Extending the C++ Standard Template Library" by Matthew Austern.
Provides downloadable Code for the book Effective STL, by Leor Zolman.
Information about the book "The STL Tutorial and Reference Guide" (Second Edition) including errata, downloadable source code and other information.
Source files for all examples in the book by D.R. Musser and Atul Saini.
The authors page about hist book. Contains a changelog, some errata and examples.
A review by Bob Adkins published in Linux Journal of the book by Leen Ammeraal. (February 17, 2000)
Last update:
September 24, 2018 at 5:15:08 UTC
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