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This category holds links for books, paper or online, on the Forth programming language, and very closely related issues.
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Lists books for sale on the topic of Forth programming. Includes descriptions of individual books, with reviews and purchase information.
By Dr. C.H. Ting; Offete Enterprises, 1993. Table of contents, and chapter one; compares Forth and Zen while giving overview of Forth from start to end. [Offete Enterprises]
By Elizabeth D. Rather, et al.; FORTH, Inc., 2000, ISBN 0966215613. Introductory spiral bound workbook, simple but detailed tutorial on modern Forth, long used as training manual at Forth, Inc. [FORTH, Inc.]
Part of the Computer Science Bibliography Collection.
By Edward K. Conklin, Elizabeth D. Rather; FORTH, Inc., 1998, ISBN 0966215605. For experienced programmers new to Forth, and a fine detailed, technical ANS Forth reference for experienced Forth programmers. [FORTH, Inc.]
By Philip J. Koopman, Jr.; Ellis Horwood, 1989. No longer printed, available on-line in HTML or PDF formats.
Lists books for sale on the topic of Forth programming. Includes descriptions of individual books, with reviews and purchase information.
By Edward K. Conklin, Elizabeth D. Rather; FORTH, Inc., 1998, ISBN 0966215605. For experienced programmers new to Forth, and a fine detailed, technical ANS Forth reference for experienced Forth programmers. [FORTH, Inc.]
By Elizabeth D. Rather, et al.; FORTH, Inc., 2000, ISBN 0966215613. Introductory spiral bound workbook, simple but detailed tutorial on modern Forth, long used as training manual at Forth, Inc. [FORTH, Inc.]
By Dr. C.H. Ting; Offete Enterprises, 1993. Table of contents, and chapter one; compares Forth and Zen while giving overview of Forth from start to end. [Offete Enterprises]
By Philip J. Koopman, Jr.; Ellis Horwood, 1989. No longer printed, available on-line in HTML or PDF formats.
Part of the Computer Science Bibliography Collection.
Last update:
January 2, 2007 at 19:58:14 UTC
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