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Look and Feels
Classes that give the Swing UI components a new "look and feel".
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More information
Sites 8
Look and feel for the Java2 Platform. Positioned as alternative to the Metal or Windows look and feel. [Freeware?]
Several themes, rollover effects and support for all Swing components, claims to be very fast. Site includes documentation, screenshots, and 30-day trial option. [Commercial]
A library that allows dynamic loading of java LookAndFeel "themes" from Jar and Zip files. [Open source, LGPL]
Offers mailing list signup, CVS access, and documentation.
Provides NextStep appearance for Swing applications.
Based on Synth, offers an enhanced JFileChooser and rounded borders. Includes download, FAQ, and screen shots.
Early custom pluggable look and feel.
Online encyclopedia article on Swing 'Pluggable look and feel' with many links to related topics.
Online encyclopedia article on Swing 'Pluggable look and feel' with many links to related topics.
Several themes, rollover effects and support for all Swing components, claims to be very fast. Site includes documentation, screenshots, and 30-day trial option. [Commercial]
Look and feel for the Java2 Platform. Positioned as alternative to the Metal or Windows look and feel. [Freeware?]
Offers mailing list signup, CVS access, and documentation.
Based on Synth, offers an enhanced JFileChooser and rounded borders. Includes download, FAQ, and screen shots.
A library that allows dynamic loading of java LookAndFeel "themes" from Jar and Zip files. [Open source, LGPL]
Provides NextStep appearance for Swing applications.
Early custom pluggable look and feel.

Last update:
February 11, 2018 at 20:05:06 UTC

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