Sites containing information on the various releases of Slackware Linux are within this sub-category.
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More information
Sites 8
The original Linux distribution, geared towards power and stability. FAQ, support, news, mailing lists, downloads, and links.
Tool to help automate Slackware package creation. Can be used to easily create a package from a program's source.
Public forum and discussion group, unmoderated.
Linux distribution based on Slackware.
A public repository of build scripts for additional software on Slackware.
A bootdisk that allows an install of Slackware to occur from an FTP site, using FTPFS, rather than from local media.
Source for Slackware Linux documentation on the web.
Improved Slackware package management system.
The original Linux distribution, geared towards power and stability. FAQ, support, news, mailing lists, downloads, and links.
Public forum and discussion group, unmoderated.
Source for Slackware Linux documentation on the web.
A public repository of build scripts for additional software on Slackware.
Linux distribution based on Slackware.
Tool to help automate Slackware package creation. Can be used to easily create a package from a program's source.
Improved Slackware package management system.
A bootdisk that allows an install of Slackware to occur from an FTP site, using FTPFS, rather than from local media.
Other languages 4
Last update:
January 18, 2021 at 22:28:58 UTC
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- Recently edited by cherel
- Recently edited by cherel