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Notification system for OS X.
Professional graphic design for Mac OS X icons. Includes free dock skins and icon sets as well as a graphics how-to section and forums.
A large resource of Macintosh themes, desktops, icons, widgets for customizing the Mac. Also forums, chat, gallery, and email.
Creators of various icon editing utilities, including Iconographer, a fully featured 32-bit icon editor, clip2icns, an easy to use icon insertion tool, clip2cicn, a tool for creating Kaleidoscope schemes, and Glypher, an utility for generating system folder icons.
Icons, artwork, and desktop pictures, for the Mac.
A site dedicated to the design of typography, icons, and animation.
More than 125 color schemes for Macintosh K2 interface control panel, cursors, banner creation, and freeware icons.
Control panels that alter window patterns, desktops, and other aspects of appearance.
A large resource of Macintosh themes, desktops, icons, widgets for customizing the Mac. Also forums, chat, gallery, and email.
Notification system for OS X.
Icons, artwork, and desktop pictures, for the Mac.
A site dedicated to the design of typography, icons, and animation.
Control panels that alter window patterns, desktops, and other aspects of appearance.
Professional graphic design for Mac OS X icons. Includes free dock skins and icon sets as well as a graphics how-to section and forums.
More than 125 color schemes for Macintosh K2 interface control panel, cursors, banner creation, and freeware icons.
Creators of various icon editing utilities, including Iconographer, a fully featured 32-bit icon editor, clip2icns, an easy to use icon insertion tool, clip2cicn, a tool for creating Kaleidoscope schemes, and Glypher, an utility for generating system folder icons.
Last update:
November 9, 2015 at 7:45:45 UTC
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