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The TI-99/4A Home Computer is a 'classic' computer system which was created and sold by Texas Instruments in the early 80's. Other systems generally considered to be in the TI-99 'family' include the TI-99/2, TI-99/4, TI-99/8, CC40, Geveve and the Tomy Tutor.
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Subcategories 5

Manuals, Graphics, photos, pinouts, and general information about the TI-99/4A
Rick Liddell's Texas Instruments TI-99/4A site has graphics, down-loadable files, and several essays detailing his memories of using the TI-99/4A and the reasons why he still loves it. Also has plenty of his favorite links and some suggestions on emulation.
A collection of articles of interest to owners of the TI-99/4A and its emulations, from a variety of User Group magazines, especially those from the UK.
Includes the text of this 1993 Book, a photo of a TI-99/4A, some tips on programming, and some music composed for the TI-99/4A.
Pictures of equipment, modules, and accessories. Complete TI-99/4A module list, hardware prototype projects, and links.
Site with photos and the history of the TI-99.
Contains disk, module, documentation, and image galleries related to the TI-99/4A. There are forums and links dedicated to the system as well. (Registration required)
Contains an extensive downloadable library of TI-99/4A software in various emulation formats. (Assembly and Extended Basic programs)
Information, screenshots and trivia.
Manuals, Graphics, photos, pinouts, and general information about the TI-99/4A
Includes the text of this 1993 Book, a photo of a TI-99/4A, some tips on programming, and some music composed for the TI-99/4A.
A collection of articles of interest to owners of the TI-99/4A and its emulations, from a variety of User Group magazines, especially those from the UK.
Contains disk, module, documentation, and image galleries related to the TI-99/4A. There are forums and links dedicated to the system as well. (Registration required)
Rick Liddell's Texas Instruments TI-99/4A site has graphics, down-loadable files, and several essays detailing his memories of using the TI-99/4A and the reasons why he still loves it. Also has plenty of his favorite links and some suggestions on emulation.
Pictures of equipment, modules, and accessories. Complete TI-99/4A module list, hardware prototype projects, and links.
Contains an extensive downloadable library of TI-99/4A software in various emulation formats. (Assembly and Extended Basic programs)
Information, screenshots and trivia.
Site with photos and the history of the TI-99.
Last update:
January 4, 2024 at 8:42:49 UTC
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