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Health Animal Alternative Medicine
This category is made up of topics that explore animal health related issues using alternatives to the western scientific/medicine (allopathic) remedies. Topics found here may include acupuncture, herbs, aromatherapy, oriental medicine, folk medicine, homeopathy, massage/physical therapy, hydrotherapy, energy work/vibrational healing, magnetic therapy, laser/photon/light therapy, flower essence therapy, chiropractic, oxygen/hyperbaric/ozone therapy, reflexology, etc. This category is intended for educative, service-oriented, non-commercial sites, although commercial sites with valuable educative content will be considered.
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Articles and discussion forums on alternative pet health and natural rearing, indexed by animal and by treatment method.
Articles on natural healing and nutrition, advice from leading animal experts, coping with pet loss, and acting on behalf of endangered animals.
Offers Reiki and other natural and holistic healing techniques for pets.
Paper by Dr. Terry Durkes about the use of this therapy to treat a number of conditions.
Provides a resource for natural pet products and information on many common animal diseases. Also includes tips for keeping pets healthy and an online shop selling vitamins and nutritional supplements.
Courses on Shiatsu, massage, flower essence therapy, and energy healing.
Information on the use of therapeutic acupuncture for horses, horse acupuncture resources and a one year online diploma course in equine acupuncture (includes canine acupuncture).
Chiropractic, homoeopathy, massage, herbs, acupuncture and other natural/alternative therapies for animals, how they work and who can do them. Practitioner search and animal health forum.
Provides information on various conditions that may affect cats and dogs and the holistic remedies that are available. Includes an online pet store.
Information on holistic health care for animals. Articles on diet, vaccination, herbs, homeopathy, NAET allergy treatment, applied to pets.
Natural healing alternatives for pets and their people, including aromatherapy and flower essence blends, goddess, yin, affirmations, inspiration, astrology, chakras, and crystals.
Describes how Reiki can help animals. Offers healing in the home for pets and owners in the Orange County, California area and free distance healing.
Source of complementary animal therapies, including acupuncture, animal communication, chiropractic, equine massage, herbal remedies, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, magnotherapy, osteopathy, physiotherapy, radionics, reiki, shiatsu, ailments, and training.
Information on chiropractic manipulation, hydrotherapy, laser treatment, acupuncture, nutrition and behavioral therapy. Listing of animal therapists throughout the UK.
Works to help integrate holistic medicine into the veterinary field. They provide educational resources for veterinarians and pet owners, research the best holistic treatments for animals, and have developed nutriceuticals and herbal formulations specific to the needs of animal health.
Natural healing alternatives for pets and their people, including aromatherapy and flower essence blends, goddess, yin, affirmations, inspiration, astrology, chakras, and crystals.
Information on the use of therapeutic acupuncture for horses, horse acupuncture resources and a one year online diploma course in equine acupuncture (includes canine acupuncture).
Works to help integrate holistic medicine into the veterinary field. They provide educational resources for veterinarians and pet owners, research the best holistic treatments for animals, and have developed nutriceuticals and herbal formulations specific to the needs of animal health.
Describes how Reiki can help animals. Offers healing in the home for pets and owners in the Orange County, California area and free distance healing.
Provides information on various conditions that may affect cats and dogs and the holistic remedies that are available. Includes an online pet store.
Source of complementary animal therapies, including acupuncture, animal communication, chiropractic, equine massage, herbal remedies, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, magnotherapy, osteopathy, physiotherapy, radionics, reiki, shiatsu, ailments, and training.
Provides a resource for natural pet products and information on many common animal diseases. Also includes tips for keeping pets healthy and an online shop selling vitamins and nutritional supplements.
Offers Reiki and other natural and holistic healing techniques for pets.
Paper by Dr. Terry Durkes about the use of this therapy to treat a number of conditions.
Articles on natural healing and nutrition, advice from leading animal experts, coping with pet loss, and acting on behalf of endangered animals.
Courses on Shiatsu, massage, flower essence therapy, and energy healing.
Chiropractic, homoeopathy, massage, herbs, acupuncture and other natural/alternative therapies for animals, how they work and who can do them. Practitioner search and animal health forum.
Articles and discussion forums on alternative pet health and natural rearing, indexed by animal and by treatment method.
Information on chiropractic manipulation, hydrotherapy, laser treatment, acupuncture, nutrition and behavioral therapy. Listing of animal therapists throughout the UK.
Information on holistic health care for animals. Articles on diet, vaccination, herbs, homeopathy, NAET allergy treatment, applied to pets.

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August 7, 2024 at 11:11:37 UTC
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