Type of anemia characterized by defective red blood cell production, the presence of mega-loblasts in the bone marrow, and deterioration of nerve tissue in the spinal cord. Caused by deficient B12 in the diet, treatment includes administration of vitamin B12, folic acid and iron.
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More information
Sites 4
Looks at the condition, its causes, incidence and risk factors.
Provides information on pernicious anaemia including details of symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and complications.
A charitable organisation based in the UK supporting people with pernicious anaemia world-wide, providing a supporting forum
An article about pernicious anemia with a full explanation of what it is, some history and treatment.
Provides information on pernicious anaemia including details of symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and complications.
Looks at the condition, its causes, incidence and risk factors.
A charitable organisation based in the UK supporting people with pernicious anaemia world-wide, providing a supporting forum
An article about pernicious anemia with a full explanation of what it is, some history and treatment.

Last update:
April 11, 2020 at 21:48:57 UTC

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