Dysphagia is the technical term for the symptom of the sensation of difficulty in swallowing. Dysphagia is usually a sign of underlying disease of the esophagus, which may be due to Gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD), cancer, thyroid disease, stroke, or a number of other diseases. ...
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Organization established to serve researchers and clinicians from different areas of inquiry who share a research interest in dysphagia and swallowing disorders.
Diet guidelines for people with swallowing disorders.
A site for dietitians and speech language pathologist to share and get new information about the dysphagia diet.
Article by Neil Bhattacharyya, MD describing cricopharyngeal achalasia and the surgery done to correct it.
Article by Nam-Jong Paik, MD, PhD.
Article for physicians.
(September 15, 2000)
Article by Neil Bhattacharyya, MD describing cricopharyngeal achalasia and the surgery done to correct it.
Article by Nam-Jong Paik, MD, PhD.
A site for dietitians and speech language pathologist to share and get new information about the dysphagia diet.
Organization established to serve researchers and clinicians from different areas of inquiry who share a research interest in dysphagia and swallowing disorders.
Diet guidelines for people with swallowing disorders.
Article for physicians.
(September 15, 2000)
Last update:
July 22, 2021 at 5:25:12 UTC
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Recreation: Living History: By Historical Region: Europe: Renaissance: Renaissance Faires
- Recently edited by cherel
- Recently edited by cherel