Labyrinthitis is an inflammatory infection of the vestibular system of the inner ear. It may cause vertigo, nausea, vomiting, imbalance, hearing loss and tinnitus. Recovery generally takes from one to six weeks but there may be some residual symptoms over a longer period.
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Sites 7
Article on these conditions, their diagnosis and treatment.
Information on these inflammatory disorders of the inner ear, their pathophysiology, symptoms and causes.
Two UK patients share their story and offer advice on dealing with this isolating disorder.
Encyclopedia article including alternative names, causes, symptoms, examination, tests, treatment and prognosis.
Information on this condition including causes, symptoms, diagnosis, risks and treatment.
These conditions are most commonly caused by a viral infection that affects the inner ear. Includes causes, symptoms, treatment and prognosis.
Information on this balance disorder, its symptoms, treatment and links with anxiety.
Information on this condition including causes, symptoms, diagnosis, risks and treatment.
Encyclopedia article including alternative names, causes, symptoms, examination, tests, treatment and prognosis.
These conditions are most commonly caused by a viral infection that affects the inner ear. Includes causes, symptoms, treatment and prognosis.
Information on these inflammatory disorders of the inner ear, their pathophysiology, symptoms and causes.
Article on these conditions, their diagnosis and treatment.
Information on this balance disorder, its symptoms, treatment and links with anxiety.
Two UK patients share their story and offer advice on dealing with this isolating disorder.
Last update:
June 2, 2023 at 5:15:06 UTC
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- Recently edited by merlin1