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Health Fitness Services
For fitness businesses as well as fitness enthusiasts.
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Creating corporate fitness programs for employees, residents, tenants, and others who want to live healthier lifestyles.
Features journal prompts and a video movement series to support the mental and emotional health.
Design, construction and staffing of fitness facilities for major hotels and upscale communities. New York City.
Designs and manages worksite health programs. Washington, D.C., Florida California, and London.
Fitness center design, new and used treadmills, stair climbers, bikes, strength machines. Venice, CA.
Provides resources and expertise for planning fitness centers in colleges, high schools, and corporate settings. Littleton, CO, US.
Mobile hydrostatic body fat testing, equipment sales and leasing. California.
Gym management software and software development services.
Wellness programs, worksite health, fitness management for corporations, hospitals, universities, communities, clubs.
Teacher and teacher trainer in Gyrotonics and Gyrokinesis. Sells Gyrotonic machines.
Distributor of trademarked exercise programs, with class locator, program details, company history, and demonstration video.
Leisure management software for health clubs and leisure centres. Booking systems, point of sale, access control, swipe cards, direct debit.
Offers fitness programs for corporate employees, as well as posters and books about maintaining health in the workplace.
Good health through the art and science of medicine and fitness. Associate of Washington Hospital, PA.
Features journal prompts and a video movement series to support the mental and emotional health.
Wellness programs, worksite health, fitness management for corporations, hospitals, universities, communities, clubs.
Designs and manages worksite health programs. Washington, D.C., Florida California, and London.
Distributor of trademarked exercise programs, with class locator, program details, company history, and demonstration video.
Leisure management software for health clubs and leisure centres. Booking systems, point of sale, access control, swipe cards, direct debit.
Mobile hydrostatic body fat testing, equipment sales and leasing. California.
Good health through the art and science of medicine and fitness. Associate of Washington Hospital, PA.
Teacher and teacher trainer in Gyrotonics and Gyrokinesis. Sells Gyrotonic machines.
Fitness center design, new and used treadmills, stair climbers, bikes, strength machines. Venice, CA.
Provides resources and expertise for planning fitness centers in colleges, high schools, and corporate settings. Littleton, CO, US.
Design, construction and staffing of fitness facilities for major hotels and upscale communities. New York City.
Offers fitness programs for corporate employees, as well as posters and books about maintaining health in the workplace.
Creating corporate fitness programs for employees, residents, tenants, and others who want to live healthier lifestyles.
Gym management software and software development services.

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November 8, 2023 at 6:55:04 UTC
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