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The Effects category focuses on tobacco-related effects on the human body. Sites appropriate for this category include consumer information, professional information, organizations, services, and personal experiences.

The primary method of organizing this information is by the type of tobacco-related effect. The types of effects include, but are not limited to:

  • Cancer,
  • Effects on the respiratory system,
  • Effects on the cardiovascular system,
  • Effects on the brain and nervous system,
  • Effects on the mouth and throat, and
  • Effects on reproduction and pregnancy.
Some sites focus on all effects resulting from a specific type of exposure. These are organized under "By Source of Exposure" and include:
  • Cigarette smoking,
  • Cigar and pipe smoking,
  • Smokeless tobacco, and
  • Secondhand smoke.
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More than 122,000 British smokers will die prematurely in the year 2000 from a smoking-related disease; article explains.
Firsthand accounts of what it is like to live with the diseases caused by cigarettes.
Most reports focus on how many people are killed by tobacco products; this report estimates how much disease cigarettes cause: tobacco products give more than 8.6 million Americans serious diseases every year.
Lists diseases caused by tobacco propducts, and provides a brief description of each.
Latest edition of massive tome; content in PDF format.
Smoking not only shortens life, it increases number of years of disability. This research analysis estimates how much increased disability is caused by smoking.
Discussion, graphics, and analysis of tobacco use, disease, and death.
Refuting claims by the tobacco industry that death estimates from smoking are inflated, the American Medical Association re-analyzes the data.
Smoking is supposed to calm the nerves, but researchers have found evidence that it might have the opposite effect. BBS News article on recent research.
The facts on tobacco products and cancer of the larynx, lung, and mouth, emphysema, epidemology, and how to quit; information and graphic pictures from a Kentucky physician.
Links and resources about the effects of secondhand smoke, passive smoking and smoking related diseases.
WHO report outlines effects of tobacco globally, identifies trends.
New research find that the tobacco industry does a good job in deceiving the public about the full health risks of smoking; a rundown of 6 myths about smoking and the facts. (March 13, 2002)
Links and resources about the effects of secondhand smoke, passive smoking and smoking related diseases.
Refuting claims by the tobacco industry that death estimates from smoking are inflated, the American Medical Association re-analyzes the data.
Lists diseases caused by tobacco propducts, and provides a brief description of each.
The facts on tobacco products and cancer of the larynx, lung, and mouth, emphysema, epidemology, and how to quit; information and graphic pictures from a Kentucky physician.
Smoking not only shortens life, it increases number of years of disability. This research analysis estimates how much increased disability is caused by smoking.
Discussion, graphics, and analysis of tobacco use, disease, and death.
WHO report outlines effects of tobacco globally, identifies trends.
Smoking is supposed to calm the nerves, but researchers have found evidence that it might have the opposite effect. BBS News article on recent research.
Most reports focus on how many people are killed by tobacco products; this report estimates how much disease cigarettes cause: tobacco products give more than 8.6 million Americans serious diseases every year.
Firsthand accounts of what it is like to live with the diseases caused by cigarettes.
More than 122,000 British smokers will die prematurely in the year 2000 from a smoking-related disease; article explains.
Latest edition of massive tome; content in PDF format.
New research find that the tobacco industry does a good job in deceiving the public about the full health risks of smoking; a rundown of 6 myths about smoking and the facts. (March 13, 2002)
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November 8, 2023 at 6:45:12 UTC
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