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Home Cooking Beverages Cocktails Collections and Indexes

This category lists sites that contain repositories of cocktail and mixed drink recipes.

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Recipes for popular Cuban and Spanish beverages such as canchanchara, made with rum, or Crema de Vie, an eggnog.
Database of drink recipes, searchable by ingredients. Recipes can be displayed using imperial or metric units.
Recipes for Brazilian batidas, a type of tropical fruit cocktail made from a mix of fresh fruit juice and cachaça.
Selection of recipes including photos and comprehensive articles about making the drinks.
User submitted drink recipes and cocktail recipes.
Interactive site returns cocktail recipes based on a given set of ingredients. Search by cocktail name or ingredients.
Easy cocktail recipes.
Classic cocktails and drink recipes. Contains bartending advice, cocktail photos and an equipment shop.
Mixed drinks recipe database. Photos and videos of cocktails, cocktail information.
Popular mixed drinks, easy recipes and classic cocktails recipes.
Derrick Schommer and guests explain how the common man can make superior cocktail recipes.
Recipes indexed by category, liquor, and drink name.
A collection of recipes with search and browse functionality. Free membership provides additional elements.
Large collection of recipes indexed by name. Includes information on liquors, bar tools and links to cocktail books and resources.
Directions for making some of the most popular cocktails and drinks.
Mixed drinks and cocktail recipe collection with pictures of ingredients. Searchable by ingredient.
Drink recipes searchable by ingredient, initial and category. Also offers forums and drinking games.
A blog about cocktails and building your home bar.
Collection of mixed drink recipes, discussion forums and bartending information.
Craft cocktail recipe database for enthusiasts and professionals. Share or submit new recipes. Rate and keep notes.
Articles about spirits and cocktails. Cocktail Recipes, liquor reviews, bar reviews.
Cocktail blog. Pictures, recipes. Search and voting features.
Cocktail recipes, descriptions of various ingredients. Has option for both English and Bulgarian translations.
Collection of liqueurs, mixed drinks, pousse-cafés, shooters apéritifs, and other alcohol based recipes.
Cocktail recipes, UK bar reviews, bartender interviews. Cocktail searchable by ingredient or name.
Drink recipes organized by name, color, glass type and popularity.
Features articles and recipes.
Drinking enthusiast site featuring recipes, videos, and stories of gourmet cocktail creations.
Recipes for popular Cuban and Spanish beverages such as canchanchara, made with rum, or Crema de Vie, an eggnog.
A collection of recipes with search and browse functionality. Free membership provides additional elements.
Directions for making some of the most popular cocktails and drinks.
Derrick Schommer and guests explain how the common man can make superior cocktail recipes.
Features articles and recipes.
A blog about cocktails and building your home bar.
Popular mixed drinks, easy recipes and classic cocktails recipes.
Mixed drinks recipe database. Photos and videos of cocktails, cocktail information.
Drinking enthusiast site featuring recipes, videos, and stories of gourmet cocktail creations.
Cocktail blog. Pictures, recipes. Search and voting features.
Interactive site returns cocktail recipes based on a given set of ingredients. Search by cocktail name or ingredients.
Database of drink recipes, searchable by ingredients. Recipes can be displayed using imperial or metric units.
Craft cocktail recipe database for enthusiasts and professionals. Share or submit new recipes. Rate and keep notes.
Easy cocktail recipes.
Cocktail recipes, UK bar reviews, bartender interviews. Cocktail searchable by ingredient or name.
Mixed drinks and cocktail recipe collection with pictures of ingredients. Searchable by ingredient.
Articles about spirits and cocktails. Cocktail Recipes, liquor reviews, bar reviews.
Cocktail recipes, descriptions of various ingredients. Has option for both English and Bulgarian translations.
User submitted drink recipes and cocktail recipes.
Drink recipes organized by name, color, glass type and popularity.
Classic cocktails and drink recipes. Contains bartending advice, cocktail photos and an equipment shop.
Recipes indexed by category, liquor, and drink name.
Selection of recipes including photos and comprehensive articles about making the drinks.
Recipes for Brazilian batidas, a type of tropical fruit cocktail made from a mix of fresh fruit juice and cachaça.
Collection of liqueurs, mixed drinks, pousse-cafés, shooters apéritifs, and other alcohol based recipes.
Large collection of recipes indexed by name. Includes information on liquors, bar tools and links to cocktail books and resources.
Collection of mixed drink recipes, discussion forums and bartending information.
Drink recipes searchable by ingredient, initial and category. Also offers forums and drinking games.
Last update:
April 3, 2024 at 5:15:08 UTC
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