Dedicated to sites regarding tempeh, an increasingly popular soy food, commonly used as a meat substitute.
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Tempeh is fermented soy beans and paste sold in "bricks." The idea is to coat the tempeh with a sugary, spicy, oniony, flavor so you won't taste the tempeh.
Directions for making make tempeh. Includes recipes using tempeh, and information on health aspects of soy and tempeh.
Directions for making make tempeh. Includes recipes using tempeh, and information on health aspects of soy and tempeh.
Tempeh is fermented soy beans and paste sold in "bricks." The idea is to coat the tempeh with a sugary, spicy, oniony, flavor so you won't taste the tempeh.
Last update:
January 2, 2007 at 23:47:38 UTC
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- Recently edited by shedragon
- Recently edited by shedragon