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General purpose, personal webpages designed to educate ohers about raising poultry.
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A.P.F is dedicated to promoting and preserving backyard poultry keeping throughout Australia and NZ.
An informational guide to raising chickens in your backyard and homesteading in small spaces. Chickens, gardens, food preservation, recipes and homesteading.
Large amount of information on building coops, health care, husbandry, forums and photos.
A forum for poultry keepers of all ages.
This site is dedicated to promoting and preserving backyard poultry keeping throughout Australia and New Zealand
They offer cage free poultry.
Includes housing, feeding, care, incubation, message board, and links.
Poultry breeders, suppliers to homes and schools. Also provide information for beginners on how to keep chickens.
Hobby breeder of chicken breeds in mid-Tennessee.
A poultry forum to share chicken related stories and get help and ideas from other chicken breeders.
About backyard garden and allotment based keeping of poultry, especially laying hens.
Resource on raising, breeding, and showing poultry. Links, original articles, photos, an international directory of poultry people and clubs on the internet, and a discussion forum.
Breeders of traditional utility poultry on organic smallholding in the West of Ireland.
The care and feeding of the suburban duck and experiencse in raising and living with Campbell ducks. Includes management, housing needs and construction, egg production and use, journal of development including photographs and video, and resources.
Blog on raising ducklings and geese along with insights, news, and tips.
An on-line zoological garden of domestic poultry, including photos and information about various breeds of fowl, such as chickens, ducks, geese, guinea fowl, peafowl, pigeons, and turkeys. Various wildfowl are also included.
Their club is a not-for-profit community group consisting of members all with a common interest in poultry.
Sharing experiences and fun of raising chickens and backyard birding.
An alphabetical list of more than 60 chicken breeds with comparative information.
Keeping chickens tips and info, subscriber coops and photos. Free online magazine with the emphasis on keeping chickens for eggs and as pets.
This beginner's guide to keeping chickens has everything to get started raising chickens. Choosing healthy hens, feeding, housing, what to keep in stock as well as advice on incubation, worming and the dreaded Red Mite.
This site is designed to educate the general public about red jungle fowls. It provides a detailed history of where the breeder's red jungle fowls originated as well as useful information about red jungle fowls in general.
Live photos of pekin and other ducks. Questions and answers giving facts and information about ducks and how to care for them.
Costumes for pet chickens. Handmade chicken attire for hens and roosters, including dresses, diapers, feather protectors, and saddles.
Forum run by a small group of enthusiasts / volunteers covering the keeping of chickens, ducks, geese, and other poultry.
Poultry farming, housing, equipment. Poultry issues and management.
This website is a resource for smallholders and home poultry keepers.FAQs and A to Z.
Information and resources on poultry keeping. Features photos of UK standardised breeds of chickens, ducks and geese, vets list, health and disease information, news, breeders directory.
A site about keeping chickens - with a humorous twist.
Lauren's flock includes a special-needs hen named Lucy, a fixer-upper chicken named Pigeon, and Marky the Terrier.
Farm that focuses mostly on poultry such as turkeys, ducks, chickens and geese.
Information on raising chickens for the beginning chicken keeper.
A friendly West Australian forum for the poultry enthusiast.
Poultry farming, housing, equipment. Poultry issues and management.
A forum for poultry keepers of all ages.
Blog on raising ducklings and geese along with insights, news, and tips.
Large amount of information on building coops, health care, husbandry, forums and photos.
Costumes for pet chickens. Handmade chicken attire for hens and roosters, including dresses, diapers, feather protectors, and saddles.
The care and feeding of the suburban duck and experiencse in raising and living with Campbell ducks. Includes management, housing needs and construction, egg production and use, journal of development including photographs and video, and resources.
Includes housing, feeding, care, incubation, message board, and links.
A poultry forum to share chicken related stories and get help and ideas from other chicken breeders.
A site about keeping chickens - with a humorous twist.
Their club is a not-for-profit community group consisting of members all with a common interest in poultry.
An alphabetical list of more than 60 chicken breeds with comparative information.
This site is designed to educate the general public about red jungle fowls. It provides a detailed history of where the breeder's red jungle fowls originated as well as useful information about red jungle fowls in general.
Breeders of traditional utility poultry on organic smallholding in the West of Ireland.
They offer cage free poultry.
About backyard garden and allotment based keeping of poultry, especially laying hens.
Farm that focuses mostly on poultry such as turkeys, ducks, chickens and geese.
Forum run by a small group of enthusiasts / volunteers covering the keeping of chickens, ducks, geese, and other poultry.
Information on raising chickens for the beginning chicken keeper.
Poultry breeders, suppliers to homes and schools. Also provide information for beginners on how to keep chickens.
Information and resources on poultry keeping. Features photos of UK standardised breeds of chickens, ducks and geese, vets list, health and disease information, news, breeders directory.
Hobby breeder of chicken breeds in mid-Tennessee.
This beginner's guide to keeping chickens has everything to get started raising chickens. Choosing healthy hens, feeding, housing, what to keep in stock as well as advice on incubation, worming and the dreaded Red Mite.
A friendly West Australian forum for the poultry enthusiast.
An informational guide to raising chickens in your backyard and homesteading in small spaces. Chickens, gardens, food preservation, recipes and homesteading.
Keeping chickens tips and info, subscriber coops and photos. Free online magazine with the emphasis on keeping chickens for eggs and as pets.
Lauren's flock includes a special-needs hen named Lucy, a fixer-upper chicken named Pigeon, and Marky the Terrier.
Sharing experiences and fun of raising chickens and backyard birding.
An on-line zoological garden of domestic poultry, including photos and information about various breeds of fowl, such as chickens, ducks, geese, guinea fowl, peafowl, pigeons, and turkeys. Various wildfowl are also included.
A.P.F is dedicated to promoting and preserving backyard poultry keeping throughout Australia and NZ.
Resource on raising, breeding, and showing poultry. Links, original articles, photos, an international directory of poultry people and clubs on the internet, and a discussion forum.
Live photos of pekin and other ducks. Questions and answers giving facts and information about ducks and how to care for them.
This website is a resource for smallholders and home poultry keepers.FAQs and A to Z.
This site is dedicated to promoting and preserving backyard poultry keeping throughout Australia and New Zealand

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September 28, 2023 at 5:45:15 UTC
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