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The Bible is the book that all Christians recognize as Holy Scripture. It is divided into two parts - the Old Testament which tells of God's actions and promises before the time of Jesus, and the New Testament which tells how He sent Jesus as the savior of the world and how the early church grew. Originally most of the Old Testament was written in Hebrew and the New Testament was written in Greek.
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[ Kids/Teens ] Contains samples of activities, story guides and maps, and a searchable collection by keyword, scripture, and topic.
[ Kids ] Stories from the Old and New Testaments feature famous paintings, audio presentations, and color highlighted paragraphs to help beginning readers. Free printable worksheets and tests.
[ Kids ] A collection of colorful Bible stories for children.
[ Kids/Teens ] Animated Bible stories with sound, based on the New International Version, for children and young teens. Games and puzzles too.
[ Kids/Teens ] Includes Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Stories from the Bible illustrated with photos of art by Andrejs Severetnikovs.
[ Kids ] Bible stories for kids. Some of them have pictures that could be colored. Questions at the end of the stories--if your answers are right, they will e-mail you a prize.
[ Kids ] Includes Bible stories, coloring pages, and word puzzles.
[ Kids/Teens ] Offers inspirational children's stories featuring Boris Kitty. Also songs, poems, devotions and sermons.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Verse for the month, chat, message boards, photos and related links.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Compares the Bible with scientific discoveries.
[ Kids ] Bible related stories, games, mazes, and art and crafts.
[ Kids/Teens ] Offers inspirational children's stories featuring Boris Kitty. Also songs, poems, devotions and sermons.
[ Kids/Teens ] Contains samples of activities, story guides and maps, and a searchable collection by keyword, scripture, and topic.
[ Kids ] A collection of colorful Bible stories for children.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Verse for the month, chat, message boards, photos and related links.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Stories from the Bible illustrated with photos of art by Andrejs Severetnikovs.
[ Kids/Teens ] Includes Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments.
[ Kids ] Includes Bible stories, coloring pages, and word puzzles.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Compares the Bible with scientific discoveries.
[ Kids ] Bible related stories, games, mazes, and art and crafts.
[ Kids ] Stories from the Old and New Testaments feature famous paintings, audio presentations, and color highlighted paragraphs to help beginning readers. Free printable worksheets and tests.
[ Kids ] Bible stories for kids. Some of them have pictures that could be colored. Questions at the end of the stories--if your answers are right, they will e-mail you a prize.
[ Kids/Teens ] Animated Bible stories with sound, based on the New International Version, for children and young teens. Games and puzzles too.

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January 6, 2024 at 6:35:04 UTC
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